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damn daddy looking good in those pics

song for this chapter: outside / the weeknd


The fact that Ashley was about to sit through breakfast with not only her separated parents, but also with Michael and Ashton around, hadn't sunk in until she steps out of the shower. This is a terrible idea and Ashley no longer even feels hungry.

Her mom likes Ashton, that's been established, but Ashley knows that her dad is going to have a completely different reaction. Her dad has never really been too keen on the idea of her having boyfriends, but then again, he's never really had to worry about it. Ashley shakes her head. Ashton isn't even her boyfriend. She has nothing to worry about.

So after she's dressed and does her make up, Ashley brushes her hair out and dries it, and then heads down stairs.

Her dad is just walking in when she gets there and Ashley can tell how uncomfortable he feels. It's probably because of her mom and everything else going on, but probably also because of Ashton.

Either way, Ashley still walks over to him and hugs him as he wishes her a happy birthday and gives her a gift. Her dad only sends her mom a wave and then greets Michael with a hug.

"And who is this?"

Before Ashley can answer, Ashton extends his hand out towards Ashley's dad. "I'm Ashton."

"Brian," the other man says and takes Ashton's hand, giving it a shake. He lets his eyes travel down his arms, noticing all the tattoos on them and raises an eyebrow. He then looks at Ashley for a second then at Ashton once more. "Should we get going?

Everyone turns to look at Ashley and so she nods. They all exit the house, Ashley and Ashton walk behind everyone else, and Ashton holds her hand in a way so that no one can notice.

Ashley reaches for Michael with her free hand and says, "Where are we going tonight?" She says it quietly so her parents don't hear, but they're both talking very intently so they probably won't even hear a thing.

"Luke's place," Michael answers just as quietly and Ashley furrows her eyebrows. "Yeah, I was talking to him the other day and he said we could party at his."

"Oh," is all Ashley says and then she looks at Ashton, who just smirks at her before giving her hand a squeeze.

The car ride is mostly silent, until Michael starts talking about dying his hair again. The blue has faded and he wants to do something with it.

"One day you're going to be in the middle of doing your hair and it's all going to fall off. Did you think about that, huh?" Ashley asks him in a serious voice. "Then you'll be bald!"

"Ashley, be nice to Michael!" Her mom scolds her from the front seat. "I think your hair would look great silver, honey. Don't listen to Ashley."

Ashton leans into Ashley, lips by her ear when he whispers, "I think your mom likes Michael more than she likes you."

Ashley snorts, gently shoving him away and shaking her head. "I think so too, honestly," she replies, looking at him. If her parents weren't around, she'd definitely kiss him right then and there.

"Ashley, please dye my hair!" Michael whines, pulling on her arm to get her attention.

"No, I will not be responsible for the death of your hair, Michael Gordon!" She exclaims, slapping his hand off her arm.

Michael makes an exasperated sound and throws his head back. "Mom, can you dye my hair, please!"

"Stop calling my mom that! She's my mom!" Ashley whines and gives Michael a glare.

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