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Regardless of the fact that Ashley really wants to stay with Ashton and cuddle with him all night, she knows she can't. Michael needs her right now and as his best friend, she can't leave him hanging like that. He's clearly upset right now and that worries Ashley a lot.

So after explaining to Ashton what was going on, she gets dressed and she kisses him goodbye. So many questions are running through her head as she drives over to his house. But the one that keeps lingering in her head, the one nearly screaming at her is: why would Jane even break up with him? What reason would drive her to hurt him like that?

Suddenly, she's pissed off and it's surprising to her. Ashley doesn't get mad often, she doesn't let things get to her that badly. But this is Michael, her best friend, and the greatest person she knows. She can't stand the thought of anyone hurting him enough to actually cry. Ashley hates knowing that Michael is that upset.

So before actually getting to his house, she stops at the store really fast and buys some ice cream for him. Ashley knows how much Michael loves ice cream and that it's one of his favorite comfort foods.

When she finally arrives to the Clifford household, all she sees is Michael's cars parked outside so maybe his parents aren't home at the moment. Ashley sighs, makes sure to grab the ice cream, and then gets out of the car.

She lets herself inside and heads to the kitchen to grab a spoon for Michael. Ashley can hear Michael playing video games in his room, but not because he's screaming or anything. She can hear the TV blasting and the sounds of gunshots coming from his room. If Michael isn't talking shit or screaming while playing video games, then he's definitely upset.

Once she enters his room, she finds Michael sitting down on a bean bag by the TV. Ashley sighs and walks over to him, sitting in front of him, but off to the side a little so that Michael can still see the TV and continue to play.

Ashley gives him a weak smile and holds out the ice cream and spoon out for him. Michael frowns and takes them from her, setting the remote aside after pausing the game. He looks so sad as he looks down before taking a spoonful of ice cream and shoving it in his mouth.

"God, she's a bitch," he groans through a mouthful. "Jane fucking Harrison," he says angrily. "Breaking my fucking heart!" He then shouts as he stabs at the ice cream and then eats it again. Ashley knows he's a lot angrier than that, but he's trying to control himself. Still, deep down she knows he's mostly hurt, because Michael isn't an angry person either.

"Did she even say why?" Ashley asks, reaching up to tie her hair into a bun at the top of her head. "I mean, it just came out of nowhere, didn't it?"

"Exactly!" Michael snaps, stabbing at the ice cream again. "Things were going fine!" He continues and pauses to bring the spoon full of ice cream into his mouth. "She says she's going through some stuff! What the fuck does that mean?" He then makes some sort of frustrating noise. "I hate her!"

Ashley shakes her head. "You don't hate her. You're only saying that because you're upset," she says. "I think maybe she just didn't want to drag you into her problems."

Michael frowns again. "Are you defending her?" He scoffs.

"No," Ashley quickly answers. "I'm not picking sides, I swear!" She adds when Michael glares at her. "I'm just trying to get you to see this entire thing differently."

Michael shakes his head. "But if she's my girlfriend-- well, was my girlfriend, why wouldn't she want me to be there for her if she was going through stuff?" He asks and Ashley can hear the sadness in is voice. "Why not let me help her?"

Ashley scratches at the back of her neck, understanding his point. Why wouldn't Jane want Michael to be there for her? Relationships are also about being there for each other and helping one another through tough times.

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