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Well i gues we better get goin' we hopped in the Suburban and i texted Ryan

Me: Hey babe i didnt know i wouldnt be going to school, sorry!

Ryan: Hey beautiful, it wad my idea :) i figured you could use some mom and daughter time. Hope your ok with that. Ttyl gorgeous.

Me: Thank you so much baby, yes this is much needed. Im so thankful to have you in my life. Call me when you go to lunch.

Ryan: Ok! Gtg to class.

We arrived at the mall, mom said we where gonna shop for a bit and then grab some lunch at 12 and then go get pedicures. I said that sounded great. Our first stop was to get a dress.... ugh i said hey mom do you think they will have any pretty dresses that are long like go passed my knees? She said wouldnt you much rather have a shorter dress and i said no! She said ok dont get snappy, we will find a long dress for you.

We FINALLY found one. It was a long black and white chevron dress. And i managed to find a little longs sleeved cover to cover my arms, i know my whole family has seen my arms but i didn't want anyone that hasnt seen them to feel uncomfortable looking at them. Then we went shopping at Hot Topic for a little bit then we ate, and headed to get pedicure i remembered that they would make me role my pants up so i told mom that i would rather get a manicure.

I do have cuts on my wrists that they will see but mom has already seen all of them so idgaf. We walked in and sat down and sure enough they asked me to role up my sleeves i looked at mom and she looked at me concerned i just shrugged my shoulders, the lady that told me to role up my sleeves walked away. And then i pulled my sleeves up, bracing myself for what she would say when she got back, but a different lady walked up i recognized her last name it was.

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now