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time skip a year they have been living on their own for a year nothing exciting happened so i decided to time skip. :) they are both18

Auroras pov: Hey Ryan,can you belive that we havee been in this house for a year? No i cant he replied. I love you Ryan. I love you too he said. we went out to eat for lunch and then decided that we would go visit Mom and Dad, we have been so busy with our jobs we havent got to see them in awhile. We walked in the door and Shay came up to us and hugged us and said long time no see I think i liked it better when you two lived with us. We all sat down on the couch ad talked for awhile it was good to everyone again. We decided to stay the night because our house was about 2 hours away and it was already almost 10 pm.

So me and Ryan went into our bedroom and fell asleep. We both woke up at 6:45 am i have to be at work at 7 and he has to be at to work at 8. So i got dressed and left. Ryans pov: I got dressed and then went downstair and watched TV on the couch when Collette walked up she sat down beside me and said, So when are you and Aurora give me a grandson or granddaughter? I left and said to be honest we have been wondering that ourselves. Well id better head to work so im not late by Collette, she gave me a hug and i left. i texted Rory

me: Hey baby headeed to work i love you.

Aurora: Ok hun drive safe, i love you too.            

Auroras pov: i was at work and it was around 10 pm and i started throwing up, so i went home and changed into some more comfortable clothes and headed over to my mom and dads house. I got there and Mom was the only one home so we sat on the couch and talked for awhile and the I decided to make some lunch, Mom came up to me and said I talked to Ryan this morning, i asked him when you two were going to make me a grandbaby, I laughed and said and what did he say? He said you all were wondering the same thing, she replied. I dont think it will be any time soon Mom i said and smiled. I texted Ryan.

Me: Hey baby im at my mom and dads house i didnt feel to good at work so this is where i am. 

Ryan: Ok babe, im sorry you dont feel well :(    by the way ill be getting off work soon ill head over there.

Me: ok see you soon love you.

Ryan got here and came inside adn kissed me and then we sat on the couch and talked for a while.  I said so my mom told me that yall talked this morning. Yes we did he replied with a smile.  We headed home. When we got home we sat on the couch and talked I said hey i just realized something tomorrow marks us being clean from self harm and being Married for exactly a year, we have to celebrate! Yes we have, and how about we celebrate with the TV and a bottle of wine he replied while laughing. How about we take the whole family out like we did when you proposed, i said. Sounds good he replied, adn then we went to the bedroom and fell asleep I woke up that morning throwing up i felt like crap. Ryan asked if he needed to take me to the doctor and i said no, but iasked him if he would stay home with me and he said he would. 

We laid in bed and watched TV and i had a trash can sitting beside me just in case i had to throw up, i fell asleep and when i woke up i looked at the time it was 6 pm and ryan wasnt there so walked into the living room and he was there watching tv and eating a sandwich i laughed and said so no dinner? Hey babe, I thought that you wouldnt want to eat, but i can make dinner if you want me too? he replied. no its ok im not hungry i was just joking with you. I started throwing up again and i was running a 101.9 fever, so Ryan called my mom and dad and they came over and so did my brothers and sisters. I was laying on the couch with a blanket my mom said you dont look well at all, do we need to take you to the ER? No im fine, i replied. are you sure? my dad asked. Yes im absolutely sure.

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