Chapter 12 | Huggable Detective

117 5 2

Word count: 2.6K

Total time (estimated): 3 months


Hiro slid off Ariyana and pulled his hoodie out from under his bed. Ariyana sat up, sitting next to Hiro on her knees, staring at her brother's dark blue hoodie in confusion.

Something rustled from inside the jacket pocket. Hiro slid his hand in and retrieved a tiny, single microbot; the microbot flipped around on Hiro's palm.

 Hiro slid his hand in and retrieved a tiny, single microbot; the microbot flipped around on Hiro's palm

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"My microbot?" Hiro muttered in confusion. "Aria, check your jacket."

Ariyana stood up and grabbed her hoodie from atop her dresser, and sure enough, a microbot was also in the pocket of her hoodie, whirring and flipping around. "What?" Ariyana breathed out in confusion.

"This makes no sense," Hiro mumbled as Ariyana stepped over to him, holding her microbot in the palm of her hand.

"Puperty can often be a confusing time for two adolescents flowering into adulthood," Baymax piped up, waddling over to the two.

"No, the things are attracted to the other microbots. But that's impossible. They were destroyed in the fire," Hiro explained. Ariyana winced softly at the mention of the fire, a sad expression returning to her face. Hiro placed the two microbots into a glass Petri dish, placing the lid on top. The microbots tapped against the walls of the Petri dish with tiny glass clinking noises. Hiro shrugged. "Dumb things are broken."

Hiro grabbed Megabot and settled at his desk, taking a screwdriver from the assortment of tools. Ariyana sat on Hiro's bed, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She rested her chin on her knees, watching Hiro at his desk.

Baymax walked over and picked up the dish, changing the direction he was facing every once in a while. "Your tiny robots are trying to go somewhere," Baymax reported.

Hiro didn't turn his head, too busy working on Megabot, and to be fair, he didn't really care. "Oh, yeah? Why don't you... find out where they're trying to go?"

"Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?"

"Uh-huh. Absolutely," Hiro absent-mindedly replied with a hint of sarcasm.

 Absolutely," Hiro absent-mindedly replied with a hint of sarcasm

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