Chapter 1∼Settling in

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AN- This is my first ever story so lets see how this goes. I'm writing this at 2am, running on 3 hours of sleep bc I stayed up to watch Loki last night. 

If I mess up grammar, or accidentally use second person: Ignore it. 

Words: 1113


As I stood outside my dorm room, ready to open the door, I took a deep breathe in and prepared myself for this new chapter of my life. To be honest, it was kind of a new beginning. I had traveled hundreds of miles, away from my crazy family, my old friends, my old life, to start completely fresh. I felt both excited and nervous. 

I slowly opened the door and was greeted by two friendly faces. 

"Hey," I greeted them timorously, not really sure how to introduce myself to the people I would be living with for the next year. 

"Hey! We were wondering when you were gonna come," she chuckled and smiled sweetly at me. "I'm Wanda."

"I'm Valkyrie, but you can call me Val"

I introduced myself and walked over to the last empty bed in the corner of the room and put my bags down. I left out a huff, falling back onto the uncovered bed. "It's nice to meet you both!"

We all made small talk for a few minutes, discussing where we were from, what we liked to do, what we were studying, etc. After a little while, we decide to unpack the numerous boxes stacked all over the entire room. 

For the next two hours, the three of us emptied out the boxes of our belongings, putting them in their designated spots. We talked and laughed, while we listened to an awesome playlist that Valkyrie had made. As we added our finishing touches, I looked around the room and took it in. Each of the corners were occupied by a bed, minus the one with a small "kitchen" area. If you call a coffee machine and a box of granola bars on a coffee table, a kitchen. Each of us had decorated our corner of the room in our own style, making the dorm look a little chaotic, but it still had a home-like feel. 

"Personally, I think it looks great," Val broke the silence, as we all had seemed to finish unpacking.

"I would have to agree with you," I chimed in. 

"We really do know how to decorate," Wanda vocalized. 


Shorty after that, we were all laying in our beds dozing off, tired from the traveling and moving in activities of the day. I sighed contently, this was going to be a good year. 

The next morning I woke up around 8 am, feeling refreshed and ready to get into the 'college-life flow'. 

"Good morning, ladies." Val mumbled from the other side of the room. Both Wanda and I responded with a 'morning' as we all got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. "What do you guys have going on today?"

Wanda was quick to answer, "Nothing much. I was thinking of walking around campus to get to know the area, if you'd like to come."

"I'd love to," Val responded and turned to you with an eyebrow raised. 

"Sorry, but I have to meet with my counselor, today to discuss an issue in my schedule. I'll try to catch up with you after though."

As I walked across the campus to my counselor's office, I mentally went over a list, making sure I would have everything for my classes starting tomorrow. Laptop. Check. Notebooks. Check. Pens and pencils. Check and check. Required textbooks. Check. Confidence my first day would go well. Where would I even get that?  

I shook away my nervous thoughts, as I stepped up to the office door of my counselor. Ms. Pepper Potts, Counseling Director was engraved on the door that I lightly knocked on. I heard muffled 'come in', so I stepped inside. 

"Hello," Miss Potts sent me a quick smile and gestured for me to sit down across from her. "You're right on time. Take a seat." 

I returned her greeting and sat across from her as she finished typing something on her computer. 

"Alright. I'll get right to it, since I'm sure you have other places to be," she chuckled. "I'm going to go through your classes and your teachers, making sure you are enlisted in the right courses."

She started to go through the classes and talked to me a little about each one. I was enlisted in 4 classes for my first semester:

Intro to U.S. Government and Politics - Professor Steven Rogers

Basics of Aerospace engineering - Professor Sam Wilson

Intro to Astrophysics - Professor Carol Danvers

Chemistry Basics - Doctor Bruce Banner

"Everything on the schedule looks good... except there's one small issue." I looked at her questionly. "You aren't enrolled in a language course."


"Just as you are required to take a history course during your freshman year, here, you are also required to take a language course." Ugh. I really don't think I'll be able to fit in another class's work, so let's pick something easy. 

"Ok. What languages are available?"

"Hmmm. Let's see." She started to type away on her computer. "Spanish, French, and German are already filled up, considering classes start tomorrow. That leaves us with Chinese, Russian, and Latin."

Before my mind could even process the different options, I blurted out, "I'll try Russian."

"Ok perfect, I'll get everything set up and enroll you in the course."

As I was walking out of the office, I wondered why I chose Russian so quickly, thinking back on any relationship I had with the language. When she mentioned it, it just felt right and fairly easy.

That evening, after walking around the campus with Wanda and Valkyrie all day, I laid out my binders and notebooks and opened up my computer to prepare for starting my classes tomorrow. I saw I had an unread email.

Привет (hello), 

I'm so happy to hear that you enlisted in my Intro to Russian class for this semester. I understand that you were just added to the course today, so I attached a copy of the syllabus that I would like for you to look over before class tomorrow. 

See you then, 

Miss Romanoff

I groaned. Another thing added to my list. 

"What's wrong?" Wanda questioned. 

"My counselor made me sign up for a language and now I have a Russian class tomorrow at 8 am." This intrigued Val. 

"Wait. Russian?" I nodded. "Is Miss Romanoff your professor?" I nodded again, confused. 

"Why? You have her?"

"No." She laughed. "Miss Romanoff is apparently the hottest staff member on campus. I heard like 3 different people talk about her today. They say her class is hard, so that should be fun."

"Ugh, great. I can't wait for tomorrow." 

That night as I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but be nervous for all of my classes tomorrow. Especially the new language course I would be taking. 

Professor Romanova∼Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now