Chapter 3~Let me help you

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AN- I've decided that this is not going to be slow burn, because I'm WAY too impatient, so we're getting right into it. Already in chapter 3. its whatever 

The first two chapter were pretty short, but this one (and hopefully the rest) will be longer.

I do use she/her pronouns for the reader in this chapter, because that's how I originally had it written. If anyone wants, I can make a copy of the story with different pronouns. 

Words: 2584


natasha pov

It was the start of another school year and I was dreading it. Now don't get me wrong, I love teaching. It was always my dream career. But the years started to blend together, they all felt the same. I just saw faces everyday; I didn't feel like I was making a connection with any of my students. I hoped that this year would be different. 

I walked into my first class of the day. Intro to Russian. This class was always one of the easiest to teach, considering it was just the basics of the language and a little history of the country. I was getting some worksheets ready when I first saw her. She walked in and made eye contact with me and I stared at her for a couple seconds. She was beautiful. Everything about her. I cleared my throat and shook my head to get my self out of the daze I was in. That day when we spoke in class, she had been so polite and friendly, unlike some student's I've had before. 

I looked forward to our encounters and the small talk we made during my class. It wasn't much, but I take what I can get. I was her partner for activities, seeing as she didn't have a desk partner and working with her was one of my favorite parts of my week. I finally felt like I had made a connection with a student. I knew it was wrong and inappropriate for me to have grown such an interest and liking to her, but I couldn't help it. 

reader pov

Out of all of my classes, I think I enjoyed Professor Romanoff's the most. Yea, it was hard to learn another language, especially one with a completely different alphabet. But seeing her made it all worth it. She was so kind and patient with her students. She was a wonderful teacher and made the information we learned seem easy. She was also drop dead gorgeous... but that's not the point. 

As my little 'crush' for her got worse, I couldn't help but feel like she reciprocated the feelings. Obviously not to the same intensity but... Even when anther student joined the class, she didn't make them my desk partner so the whole class would be in pairs. No, she made a group of three with other students, while she continued to be my work partner. I hoped it was because she took a liking to me, but even if she did. Its totally platonic. Probably....

The next couple of weeks at school were crazy; I had a lot of work and the adjustment to living on my own was tough. I tried my very best to stay caught up in my classes but I was falling behind a little. Especially in Russian. 

On Wednesday morning, I tiredly rolled out of bed, having only gotten 3 hours of sleep. I got ready for the day and started to walk to Miss Romanoff's class. I was hoping she wouldn't collect the assignment from last class, because I was nowhere near finished completing it. 

I walked in and took my normal seat in the front. I opened up my computer to take notes, when Miss Romanoff walked over and called my name. "Good Morning!" she greeted me.

"Good Morning"

About 5 minutes later, she started class, "Zdravstvuy klass(Hello class)! Today, I'll be collecting the worksheet from last class, then we'll be watching the Russian documentary that I was talking about last week."

Professor Romanova∼Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now