Chapter 2~First Day

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AN- It won't let me go back and edit the description, so I'll tell you here: In this story, Nat is like rich rich and likes to spoil the reader. 

I also wanna say that this may not be accurate with what actually happens at colleges, bc I've never been to one and I don't know. 

Last thing: the translations may not be accurate because they're all from google. 

Words: 1069


All of the sudden, I felt someone tapping my shoulder and calling my name. "Wake up. Wake up. Don't you have class at 8 am?" I rolled over to find Valkyrie trying to wake me up. I should've told her and Wanda how I was a really heavy sleeper and sometimes, the mere sound of my alarm wouldn't wake me up. I rolled over to face her and groggily mumbled a quick 'yea. thanks' as I shooed her away. I grabbed my phone from the side of the bed. 7:32 am. I hopped out of bed and sprinted towards the bathroom to get ready as fast as I possibly could. I can't be late on the first day. 

The night before I had set out my outfit and got my supplies for my classes prepared, knowing a situation like this was bound to happen. It probably won't take too long to get ready, but I had no idea where the building even was on campus. 

I grabbed my backpack and dashed out of the door, rushing to the class. 7:48. Record time. 

After asking 3 or 4 different people, I found the building I was supposed to be in. There was about 8 minutes before the bell would ring. Thank god, I wouldn't be late on the first day. 

When I stepped into the classroom, most of the students were already there. As I was looking around for a place to sit, I spotted the teacher. Wow, she really is as beautiful as everyone says she is. She had the most gorgeous long, red hair that fell well past her shoulders. I longed to tangle my fingers in it. She had an inviting smile that quite literally almost made me melt like putty. Her eyes were a captivating green that I wanted to stare into for the rest of my life. She had on a classy black dress that fit her nicely and high heels that accentuated her legs. Every single thing about her was perfect. It was like she didn't have a single flaw that I could see. I couldn't help but stare. 

I was snapped out of my daze, when I heard her clear her throat. Oh my god did she catch me staring at her. I looked around the room for seats and noticed that there were two large desks in the front of the room, one on each wall. The lecture hall must be used a lot, so they had two different desks so other teachers could prepare for their classes.  I sauntered over to one of last available seats in the front row, but chose to stay to the side where she wasn't standing, hoping that her desk wasn't the one directly in front of me. I had no such luck. 

Before the class started she grabbed a stack of papers from the other desk, then walked over to sit at the desk directly in front of me. She set the papers down and walked around the table to be on the front side, before she hopped up and sat on the edge. Barely 3 feet away from me. 

She cleared her throat to get the attention of the class, and then began, "Good Morning. Its nice to see you all here today. I'm sure none of you were thrilled to be going to a Russian class so early on your first day of school." 

"I'm Professor Romanoff, Romanova in Russian, and I've been speaking Russian all of my life. I've been teaching here for..." She stopped to think for a second, and I was hanging on her every word. Completely transfixed by her angelic sounding voice. "This is going to be my fifth year teaching here. Today, I'll start class by taking attendance, reviewing the syllabus, and then, we'll do an activity to start to practice Russian pronunciation."

After she took attendance and went over the syllabus, she handed out the papers to the class. On the page, there were multiple Russian phrases and their meanings written:

Hello-  Привет (Privet)

Good Morningдоброе утро (dobroye utro)

Good Afternoon- Добрый день (dobryy den')

Good Night- спокойной ночи (spokoynoy nochi)

What's your name?- какое у тебя имя (kakoye u tebya imya)

My name is- меня зовут (menya zovut)

Nice to meet you- Приятно с Вами познакомиться (Priyatno s Vami poznakomit'sya)


After she read through all of the translations, she spoke again, "Remember this is just an activity, Nothing to stress about. I understand that none of you know this language or how to read it. Today's activity is just for working on pronunciation. Please turn to your desk partner and go over the translations" It was only at this point that I realized, I didn't have a desk partner. 

She walked towards my desk. "Hmmm...... let's see if there's anyone else to pair you up with." We both looked around the room, trying to find another student I could work with. Unfortunately, everyone else had been partnered up. She walked around to sit in the chair next to me, "I guess you'll have to work with me!"

For the rest of the class period, her and I went through the translations. She was constantly complementing my efforts, saying I was doing very well for this being my first encounter with the language. "Are you sure you haven't taken Russian before?" She teased. After about 20 minutes, she dismissed the class. It was at this point that I realized that her hand had been resting on my knee, suddenly feeling the lack of it. 

She smiled as she walked away. "I love your outfit by the way. You're adorable." Wait? The outfit or me? I mumbled a quick 'thanks' and then walked out of the classroom as fast as I could, before she could see the smirk on my face and the blush spreading across my cheeks. 

For the rest of the day, as I went to my other classes, all I could think about was her. Her hand on my knee and her compliments. Her gorgeous smile and inviting personality. I knew I shouldn't think about it too much. I knew she was my professor and I shouldn't be think about her this way, but I couldn't help it. 

It's just a small crush, it will go away in a couple weeks. Right? If not, this was going to be a long semester. 

Professor Romanova∼Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now