Chapter 5~Going Out

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AN- It may seem like we're moving fast, but in the reality of the story, the reader has been in Natasha's class for like 2 months, I just did a huge time skip. Hopefully that makes sense for the past two chapters. 

I just got my Black Widow tickets AHHHHHHHHH

We finally get some action in this chapter, so enjoy <3

Tw: drinking, use of fake IDs

Words: 2134


"Wanna go out tonight?" 

Wanda and Valkyrie exchanged a look. "Uhhhh... its Thursday." Val said confused.

"We all have classes early tomorrow morning." Wanda spoke up.

"Come on! Let loose a little." I laughed. "It's college we should be having fun!" They could tell something was bothering me to make me act this way, but luckily, they didn't question it. 

After a few seconds of looking back and forth at each other, Wanda sighed. "Ok fine. But we can't stay out too late and we can't drink too much."

"Deal!" I smiled and went to give Wanda a hug. "Thank you." 

We started to get ready to go to one of the bars/clubs down the street. It's pretty popular so it would usually be crowded, but not on a Thursday night. It was a pretty nice place though, so we couldn't just wear jeans and a t-shirt; we had to dress up a little bit. Wanda and I put on some cute, simple dresses and Val put on a suit, similar in style. We quickly did our hair and makeup and headed out. 

Usually, I wouldn't be so eager to go out on school night, but I had to I something to distract myself. From School. From life. From Natasha. Who? Let's not even think about her. I had to just relax a little bit, because all of the stress and anxiety was wearing me thin. 

When we walked into the bar, music was blaring loud from the back patio, where there was a DJ and area for dancing. Val and Wanda were pulling me over to the bar to grab a drink. The bar stretched long across the back wall of the large room. On the end opposite of where we were, I saw the beautiful, long red hair and the defined figure. I knew it was her. 

"Ugh. My Russian teacher is here," I groaned. Normally, I would've been happy to see her in a setting outside of school, but at the moment, she didn't seem to be happy with me.

"I thought you said you liked her," Wanda said. I hadn't told my roommates about my embarrassing crush on my professor, they just knew I liked her class. 

"I do, but I'm not sure if she likes me."

"Well, why don't you go talk to her?" Valkyrie suggested.

"Ok," I sighed starting to walk over to the redhead. I tapped her on the shoulder. "Hi Professor Romanoff!" I greeted. 

She turned around glaring. Oh no, this was a bad idea. Her glare soon turned into a smirk. "Natasha," she said. "I told you to call me Natasha." I let out a breathy laugh in relief. That breathe soon hitched when she pulled me into tight hug. I could tell she was a little tipsy. "What are you doing here?" She asked me. 

Oh nothing. Just trying to get my mind off you... I thought. "Oh. My friends and I just wanted to go out tonight." I pointed to Wanda and Val behind me. 

"That's fun!" She smiled. "If you want, you can come sit with me and my friends. We're celebrating a birthday." I nodded as she started to lead me over to the table. She pointed to each of her friends as she introduced them. "This is Maria and this is Sharon. She's the birthday girl!" She introduced me to both of them, also telling them I was her student. "Why don't you invite your friends over?"

Professor Romanova∼Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now