Chapter 4∼What happened?

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AN- Just an fyi, I'm gonna try to update every other day if I can. If I don't, I probably had something going on and will update soon. I'll try to write as often as I can!

I'm not going to do Nat's POV of every interaction I'm only doing the ones that need it. 

Also last thing: when nat says "she" or "her", she'll always be refering to the reader. I don't really wanna use Y/n, so i'm just gonna have nat address the reader in her pov using female pronouns. 

Words: 1531 


That evening I texted Natasha to let her know I was feeling a lot better thanks to her help. 


Hey Natasha! I just wanted to let you know I'm feeling a lot better now. 

Thank you so much for your help! 

Of Course! I'm happy your feeling well

I just emailed you tomorrow's notes and assignment, all you need to do is go over the notes. Don't worry about the worksheet ;)

K. Got it! Thanks

By the next day, I felt completely better. No headache, no sore throat, no cough. Absolutely fine. I even got to catch up on some sleep, since Natasha didn't make me get up for her class.

natasha pov

When she walked into class that day, she seemed extremely tried and worn out. I greeted her like I always do, but I kept a close eye on her to make sure she was alright. When I went around to collect the work, she didn't have it. I let her off the hook. Again. I couldn't possibly be upset with her. As soon as I turned off the lights and started the film, she was asleep. I knew I probably should have woken her up, but she was just so adorable sleeping on the desk. I knew she needed the rest too. So I let it go. 

Once everyone had left, I walked over to her and shook her awake. I suggested that we go get coffee down the street to avoid the upcoming lecture. A little secret: there was no upcoming lecture. I just needed to be with her in some environment outside of school. 

While we were eating our food, I discovered that she was getting sick. Being the absolute angel she is, she allowed me to take care of her. And I loved every minute of it. 

I drove to a local store to get what I needed to take care of her. I got into the backseat next to her, gave her some medicine, and took her temperature. I let her just relax in her seat for a couple minutes, before I had an idea. 

"Why don't I put my number in your phone so you can text me later and let me know if you're alright?" She agreed and I reached across her to grab her phone. Her phone background was a photo of her and some girl all cuddled up close. "Girlfriend?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound so jealous. I knew I had no right to be; we were nothing more than a teacher and a student. Yet, I still sighed in relief when she told me it was just her roommate. 

A couple minutes later, I checked on her again. I brushed some hair out of her face and let my hand linger on her cheek. Even in her sick form, she still looked beautiful. I started to move in closer to her, our faces just a few inches apart. Suddenly, she turned to cough.

As she pulled away, a million thoughts ran through my head.  "She doesn't like you." "You took it too far."  "That was totally inappropriate." "She's sick! She can't kiss you. She wanted to though." "She's a student. You'll get fired."

Professor Romanova∼Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now