One dark Night

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Steen- Why are you smiling though? I ain't that cute.

Net- You won't stop it ,right?

Steen- You know I won't, I love reading your feelings.

Net- and I love seeing you smile. Now tell me were you satisfied ?

Steen- Umm yes, but still Net i don't feel that. It doesn't taste like that. Animal blood doesn't give me happiness but only satisfaction.

Net- I know , seeing these many humans around ,sometimes i really wanna loose control.

He said , groaning.

Steen- (sigh) We can't. We have to follow the rules, no matter who we are.

Reaching back , they saw Dash at a different table , quietly eating.

Steen- See ? he's a geniune guy. Now go call him. (demanding tone).

Net knew he can't deny and had to try his best to trust humans. He went to Dash.

Net- Umm, you listen.

Dash looked up to meet Nethaniel.

Dash- Me?

Net- Yes,you can come with us and you and Ella can also be friends;just friends .

Dash- Oh sure, thankyou.(smiling a little)

They both went to the girls.

Steens- Hello young boy.

Dash- Hyy Steens, Nice to meet you.

Steen- Ohh you know me?

Dash- Well, you three are quite famous.

Nethaniel & Ella- Yes we are(proudly)

Steen- Ohh don't mind this proud duo. It's nothing like that.

Steen- So where are you from?

Dash- I don't know.I ve been raised up here only.

Nethaniel- Your parents must know.

Dash- I don't have any parents. They left us , left us all alone by ourselves .

Hate and rage was visible in his dark orbs.

Dash- My sister raised me up, she was the only family i had but she too left me.( sad chuckle)

Ella- Why?

Dash- One dark night,she was killed by some creature or animal in the woods, she had some important work ,she was on her way back home when she was dragged in the woods. I kept waiting that night, unaware that she would never come back. Wish i was there to protect her,My aunt always denied the fact but i managed to get the cause. The reports said that she was brutally bitten by an animal.

Steen- Hey, its ok. We're with you.(concern)

Dash- Its all in the past. I ve already moved on.

The girls felt bad for Dash.They tried their best to console him and make him feel better but Nethaniel,  he kept staring at Dash.

Nethaniel- Dash? Do you believe in fantasies and mythology?

Dash- No

Nethaniel- So you think that folkflore creatures don't exist?

Dash- No, these vampires, werevolves,witches they are all just movie stuff.

Nethaniel- Yes you're right. Well let's go home. Ella wait for us near the car. I just have an important task.

Steen- Me too, See you guys.

Exiting the canteen, Steen looked around and when she found no one around she took Nethaniel at the rooftop.

Steen- Why do you keep on thinking this? He's a normal being.

Nethaniel- I know. I just feel something different.

Steen- Net, look here.

She took his hands in her's.

Steen- There's nothing wrong. I ve read Ella's feeling her mind , she feels happy with him. Don't let your suspicions ruin their bond. She wants to feel her normal life before she turns. She wants to be like us, but she yet doesn't know what it is like to be a bloodsucker.

Nethaniel- I am just always worried for her.

Steen- Come its time to get home.

As soon as the last bell rang, the three were ready for their drive.
Far away in the woods, their family waiting for them to reach safely. In the dark, huge bushes of the forest, lied their mansion,The Giere's Place, huge, decent, warm and safe. The Cavers siblings live here too for Ella's safety as Henry didn't want his children to face any problems, but a little did he know who his little son grew up to be? (chuckle)

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