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- Submerged Fish Hunt -

Altaira was going to smash that pickle if Khun didn't stop him.

The spear bearers were the one who will be watching the thieves and waited for Khun's signal before throwing their spears. In this kind of situation, the timing and patience will determine the winner.

But that rotten pickle just had to throw the spear first and alerted the enemies, causing them to take the risk and exposed themselves to their enemies.

If it wasn't for the others helping them to arrange the 'special meeting' between the dogs and the thieves, then Altaira would have left that pickle and left with Rak.

He sighed in relieve, "That is quite close."
"What are you waiting for?" Khun asked him. "Quickly throw the spear."

"Yes, yes" he said.


Celeste hid somewhere else before Yuga, the sheep who was supposed to teach the Wave Controller Class, noticed her right after he defeated both Endorsi and Anaak.

Turned out, Yuga wasn't an ordinary ranker but the Lo Po Bia Ren who worked for Zahard. He was there to retrieve Black March and Green April and also, to get rid of the eliminate child, Anaak Zahard as well to get rid of their family's competitor, Endorsi Zahard.

The lizard wasn't the real princess. Anaak's mother who shared the same name with her ran away and married someone else before they had her. Anaak's mother violated the rules for not loving someone and resulted to her death.

The reason why Anaak looked at Endorsi with resentment and always glared was because Endorsi was one of the princesses. Whenever she saw the triple red eyes hairpin on her hair, she remembered about Zahard who murdered her mother. And the murderer happened to be Lo Po Bia Ren.

Celeste frowned when Lo Po Bia Ren walked and then stepped on Anaak's throat. Even if he was the king, then he shouldn't have stepped on her friend's throat like that and called her friend as an insect. She began to pull out her sword.

When Lo Po Bia Ren sensed something wrong and looked toward a direction, he was greeted with a group of white butterflies flying toward him. He was too focused with the princesses that he lowered his guard. He jumped backward to avoid those white butterflies that lighted the whole cave.

He saw a flashing light and dodged Celeste's sword before Celeste's sword hit him.

"What do we have here?" Lo Po Bia Ren asked and landed on the ground. "An Arie?"

"I am not" she denied.

"With your hair, eyes and sword, you are indeed an Arie" Ren insisted. "What, are you going to disobey Zahard's words as well?"

Arie Family was one of the 10 Great Families and the head of their family was Arie Hon. They always had white hair and practiced swordsmanship that was unique and can't be countered. Their descendants were quite few.

Celeste had white hair. She also had a sword. It wasn't really a surprise that most of regulars mistook Celeste as a descendant of Arie Family.

"Even if you are under the king's order doesn't mean that you could trample my friends" Celeste said and pointed her sword to Ren.

"What an arrogance" he said. "Do you know that if you go against Zahard, you will be a disgrace to your family?"

"I never cared about those things" Celeste said before she swung her sword faster than before toward Ren.

Lo Po Bia Ren dodged her sword easily and hit her when there was an opening. Using that chance, he hit her hard enough to push her backward and hit the wall hard.

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