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- The Crimson Red Flower Seal -

The Crimson Red Flower Seal was the seal where one will use the shinsu to form these transparent flowers and veins.

The seven flowers and the veins there will not be able to be broken by force. No matter how strong you were, no matter how many times you attacked them, it will not be broken. There was only one way to open this seal which was to sacrifice one's blood. When the flowers and the veins were filled with the blood, they will turn from white into crimson red and became the Crimson Red Flower.

Charlotte raised her palm and then pushed it to one of the seven flowers. The flower, like what she expected, was sharp enough to hurt her palm and then let her blood flow inside it.

Celeste and Estelle were both surprised by her sudden movement and urged her stop immediately. But if Charlotte stopped in the middle of the way, then she doubted whether she will be able to hurt her palm again. Truth to be told, the thought of hurting her own palm was already scary enough. She had to gather the courage before doing this.

"Don't tell me.......that this is the method to open the door?" The quick-witted Estelle guessed it.

Charlotte nodded her head.

"The Crimson Red Flower Seal....no matter how many times you attack it or how strong you are, there will always be one method for one to destroy these flowers and veins which is to sacrifice your blood to fill all of them" Charlotte explained.

"But will your blood be able to fill all these?" Celeste asked worriedly. She looked again at the door.

She would have sacrificed more than half of her blood to open this door.

"It won't be a problem, I guess" Charlotte said. "It won't take my life, but I might have to ask you to carry me back if I collapse later on."

Estelle looked at the door, especially at the nearest flower. She thought for a moment before she extended her hand and cut her own flesh.

Both Charlotte and Celeste were surprised to see her blood flowing inside as well.

"What on earth are you doing?!" Charlotte asked her.

Celeste also sheathed her sword back and then did the same thing as well.

Both of them pushed their hands to the closest flowers.

"Why are you following her as well?!" Charlotte asked Celeste.

She did this because she didn't want them to get hurt. She planned to sacrifice her blood a little so they won't have to hurt themselves. But what they were doing right now?

"Don't get us wrong" Estelle answered. "You are too heavy. We don't want to carry you later on."


"Alright" Celeste cut her words with her usual soft and gentle smile. "Since we come all the way here together, then let's sacrifice our blood together.

And besides, if you are hurt, how am I supposed to face Altaira?"

'I should have been the one who said that. If brother knows that his girlfriend lost her blood because of me, he will snap my neck on the spot!'

 Charlotte let out a sigh.

"I wonder what will happen if the three of us sacrificed our blood together" she said to the two others. "Will something bad happen?"

"Stay positive" Celeste answered. "And even something bad is going to happen, we could face it together right?"

Charlotte just nodded her head before lifting it and watched how their blood flowed inside the flowers and veins. It seemed like she didn't have to wait for long before they will be full.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now