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- After Hibernating -

After "sleeping" for awhile, Charlotte was finally awake.

Despite sleeping for a long time, Charlotte didn't feel her body become weaker. Instead, she felt that her body felt lighter.

When she woke up and sat down on the bed, she first recalled things that happened in the past before she went hibernating. She recalled the recent events and remembered especially the moment when Khun was sealed inside the ice box.

'I wonder how long  I've been sleeping,' she thought and put the blanket aside.

[ Lotus Manipulation : Domain ]

A wave of pink light was released from her body and filled the room.

'By releasing a small amount of [ Domain ], I could sense the presence of things around me,' Charlotte thought. 'In this way, although I'm blind, I could still move freely. Take a bath first, eat something, and then look for others.'

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Charlotte couldn't see the color of the outfit that she chose. The [ Domain ] of the power only helped her to sense where things were. By touching her outfit, she could probably guess if the outfit was a T- shirt of a sweater. But she still couldn't find a way to guess the colors.

She wore a plain blue shirt with long black pants. The silver bracelet that she received from Nathan was still in her left wrist. The fan that she used as her weapon was transformed into a white flower that she placed on her ear. It was the white flower that she received from Khun during the Hidden Floor, a flower that she created according to what she remembered.

Charlotte was aware that no matter how hard she tried to make the flower similar with the real one, the real flower was destroyed already. A fake couldn't replace the original one, but she hoped that she could make it as similar as possible even though it was fake.

Her original plan was to get herself cleaned up and then look for something to eat. But in the middle of her way, she changed her mind. She first looked for Khun as soon as she has cleaned herself up.

"Good morning Khun, I suppose," she greeted him, although she was unsure if it was still morning. "I'm here to bother you again. Your time without me must be very peaceful, huh? How have you been inside that ice box?"

The silence that she received was more than enough to make her heart felt bitter. She felt that this was her fault for not being able to change the story. The silence was so uncomfortable and she really missed hearing his voice again.

She found this feeling familiar. It was when in her past life, when she dreamed of hearing her deceased brother's voice again.

The old her sat on the wheelchair and looked outside the window. She held the picture on her hands. As she looked at the birds flying outside, she had it enough, and tears dropped from her exhausted eyes.

She took a deep breath, 'You won't know how precious someone is until you lost them.'

She knew that Khun was precious for her, but she felt like she hasn't treated him well enough. Although they've been climbing the tower together, but she couldn't help but to feel like she hasn't made use of their time efficiently.

They met and then were separated. Another encounter and another farewell. Fate has so many ways and reasons to let them meet each other and separate them, making her yearn and yearn for his presence more.

"For as long as I think I've been sleeping, I've been training hard," said Charlotte as she took a step closer. "And I've managed to break another shackle inside me. Aren't you proud of me?"

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