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- Shadow Girl and Her Fox -

After being compressed becoming small even smaller than Rak's mini size, Yukan was leading them to the way to find Alphine, the said shadow girl.

He warned them to not get into the chamber but on inside, when he watched how these crazy regulars insisted to get into Alphine's chamber, he was smirking because he knew that whoever entered Alphine's chamber will never get out of that place alive. He was sure that these regulars will also die on the hands of the shadow girl.

Khun opened the door and inside the room, he found a short blonde haired girl with a pair of yellow eyes. She was standing there, waiting for them to come in.

After observing her for awhile, she was sure she was the Alphine. Her lips curled up into a smirk.

"You are.....the intruders that I heard about" Alphine calmly said. "You must be Jue Viole Grace's and Nox's companions. I'm impressed that you beat Yukan."

"That's right" said Khun coolly. "Well, let's say that."

"We've come to retrieve the companions whom you took and take away Kaiser's name. Tell us how to get to gallery."

Alphine's expression darkened for a moment.

"....you're too impatient. Your companions could die if I were to make one call right now" said Alphine.

"It's alright. You people can't do anything with the hostages until you steal Viole's and Nox's names. Isn't that why you told everyone about us and drag us into this? You probably want to steal their names and then make them fight with Endorsi, destroying the three of them. And our companions are already looking for the hostages. We left that to them so that we can focus getting Kaiser's name."

"You're very confident. So...? I don't see Jue Viole Grace or Nox, the stars of our show" said Alphine. From outside, she looked like she was unbothered with that matter.

"That's me" said Bam. "I'm Jue Viole Grace. So tell us how to get to the gallery."

After hearing that, Alphine pondered and realized something.

"Was that long hair a wig...?" She asked.


This made Alphine chuckled.

Surely, no one would ever thought that a slayer candidate turned out to be a cute kid.

"Then who is that little lass on your back?" Alphine asked, referring to Charlotte who was standing behind Khun. "Seeing your similar appearances, could she be the Nox? I didn't expect her to be an adorable young woman."

As expected from Kaiser's most loyal and trusted servant, she guessed her identity within one shot. She was able to tell her identity because of her similar appearance with Bam and that she had long heard that the Nox was someone with a long brown hair and white smiling mask. But no one has ever taken off his mask and saw his appearance directly. Her comrades were exception, of course.

Khun stepped in front of Charlotte. Since he was taller than the young woman, he was able to cover her.

"It seems like I was right then, seeing how protective you are...." said Alphine. "Fine, I'll tell you how to get to the gallery."

"What!?" They were surprised since it was too easy.

Yukan on the back was looking at Alphine in disbelief. Why would she spare them? Why would she tell them about the way to the gallery? Why wouldn't she kill them? The reason why Yukan gladly showed them the way was because he believed that Alphine would avenge him.

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