Chapter 1: Nana Shimura I

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In a world where Toshinori, AKA All Might, was the bearer of One For All before Nana Shimura a still living and spiteful 'All For One' dwells in a hiding place plotting his revenge against Hero Society as a whole. The last battle between himself and the previous Symbol of Peace left him horribly scarred, broken, and deprived of many of his stolen quirks. To get back at her, and heroes in general, for destroying his body and ruining his empire AfO seeks out a progeny to mold into his successor. It was the current more modern year with up-and-coming heroes like Mt Lady and Kamui Woods taking the spotlight of heroism. Nana remains at the top as the current Symbol of Peace known as 'Gal-Might' inspiring many newer heroes with smiles, charisma, and unmatched ferocity. Among the pro heroes and many promising new students heading to UA, many of them were female and the villainous mastermind has crafted a way of turning that strength against them. By bestowing a very dangerous and very specific quirk they would be kneeling at his new successor's knees, but first, he had to seek him out.

With one good visible eye showing through the marred portion of his unrecognizable face he saw him; the boy on the news.

Y/n Midoriya, a rare Quirkless child who had been beaten down so much in spirit by the reality around him, wonders if he could even be a hero. Inside of him, there is plenty of passive resentment towards 'lucky' ones who get blessed with powerful Quirks like his schoolyard bully. Though he wouldn't say it, Y/n had sorrowful envy for the many who have powers unlike him. This was 'seen' by the former Symbol of Evil; All For One. As of now, he was currently in hiding watching many news events from the screens in front of him. Y/n's face crosses the most recent report of a Sludge villain attack where he was a hostage victim, next to him was the current Symbol of Peace and holder of One For All Nana Shimura.

AfO: 'This boy may be the key in bringing Hero Society under his thrall. I can see it.'

His smile was wide and toothy when he remembered having a special quirk he stole from a rather undeserving lecher. It was a very special one that had practically no use to him because of his dying condition, but it was essential in implementing his plans. Namely his Last Will.

AfO: 'Hmm, the current bearer of One For All; Nana Shimura, is still a robust woman in her prime I see. She, like many of the female pro-heroes, is susceptible to this Quirk. Who's to say young and promising student heroes are off-limits? There are so many potentials coming out of the woodwork these days, this quirk will take their strength and use it against them. Let's see, among the current generation of pros there is Mount Lady, Miruko, Bubble Girl, Ms. Joke, Midnight, Dragon Lady, and any promising young girls of the UA academy and beyond. All of them are ripe for the picking, all that is needed is a successor. My time runs short, All-Might certainly doomed me to a miserable and slow death after our final fight against each other.'

AfO thought to himself while wondering who he could give it to that would then work as his promising successor.

Flipping through another reported rescuing by Nana Shimura OfA he saw it; he saw a young boy by the age of fifteen wearing fluffy green hair and looking frazzled by the robust woman saving him. He wanted to chuckle after seeing his face and knew the boy to be a pervert for the woman's large breasts.

AfO: 'Ah, to be young again. Hello, what's this?'

He thought with a rise in interest. He read more of the article and saw that the boy was mentioned to be Quirkless. Nana said she found him getting bullied by other kids for not having said gift, this was right around the time that sludge villain attacked him.

Something inside AfO clicked when he saw the boy. Despite the whimpering look of self-pity and sadness, he saw a sort of envious look he had when other heroes gathered around them. He saw that the boy certainly looked up to Nana Shimura as well, aside from his blushing when she pulled him close to her side the boy had an unseen grimace at being touted as a victim from the attack. It was obvious, so much so, that he wanted to be like the heroes he admired. He had seen that pitiful face many times back during the glory days of his empire.

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