Chapter 2 (3)

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Quick A/N! I wasn't really planning any romances in this story, but my shipping heart is crying out to me for at least a few, so here's what I want to do! My main ship is going to me a rare pair which includes Kageyama! My options for him are either Kiyoko or Kuroo at the moment. Please leave your opinions in the comments! Now, onto the story!

We finally discovered the labs. Kuroo-senpai commented that we should keep it a secret but I disagreed. Others were bound to find it sooner or later and I wanted to be the one to tell them. I needed some way to win over their trust.

Eventually, were agreed on these terms: We would be the first to thoroughly explore the labs then we would tell everyone else, or at least the proper owners of the labs.

The first one we came across belonged to Asahi-san, the Ultimate Fashion Designer. As we walked in, the first thing I noticed were the endless amount of supplies. There were shelves of strings, and buttons, and cotton, and so on, labeled alphabetically and by color/pattern. There were also materials such as needles, machines, and other limited items neatly scattered across a wide, white desk. The shelving was also white and the walls painted beige to match the decor that appeared every now and then.

We walked towards the desk and I watched as Kuroo picked up one of the longer needles.

"How long is this thing? Six? Maybe seven inches long?"

"Probably bigger than you." I silently chuckled.

"Haha, don't test me, my Kouhai. Just because you're my favorite, does not mean that you get to make little remarks like that, and for your information, it's not bigger than me."

"Me? Your favorite?"

"Yeah? Is it THAT insulting?"

"Oh, no. I was just a little surprised is all. Since, you're so close with Kozu- erm, Kenma-san."

"Yes, Kenma and I are friends, but it's just something about you." He said before walking off to the next lab across the hall.

Something about me...

I followed him soon after into the next station belonging to the Ultimate Electrician, but it was not what I expected. It didn't even look like the ultimate Electricians. There were weapons layered across the dark gray walls and blueprints on a plus sized board. Papers and quills on each table and shelf, guides, things a killer would have. No, not a killer, some sort of hitman maybe? Perhaps an assassin. I don't know much about them. Infact, most of my knowledge comes from the novels I used to read. My bedroom shelves were packed to the tee with those novels. Despite the amount of reading I do in my free time, my grades aren't all that great. I lack the best attention span, knocking off a few points. Coincidentally, that's what lingered in my mind at the time, so, ignoring the sight in front of me...

" ...Kuroo-senpai? What are your grades like?"

He looked back at me with a quizzical look.

"For a detective, you don't look all that interested."

"I am, but I'm also interested in your grades."

"Usually A's with rare acceptions of B's. What about you, my little Kouhai?"

"...let's not get into that."

"Uh, uh, uh! I told you mine, so it's only fair."


"I'm disappointed, my little Kouhai. Maybe when we get out of this hell hole, I can help you study."

"Yeah...sure. Also, why am I your LITTLE Kouhai? I'm not that much shorter than you."

"Just because I called you little, doesn't necessarily mean I'm calling you short."

"Then what does it mean?"

Kuroo-senpai turned around and was about to begin our inspection of the Ultimate Electrician's laboratory, almost seeming like he would leave my question unanswered.

"Only time will tell."

We split up and took different areas of the room, Kuroo-senpai exploring the weaponry and me reading over all the notes and taking a look at the extra files laying around.

"I don't see any murder plans, thankfully." I spoke up.

"Though, I don't understand why The Ultimate Electrician would have possession of all this equipment."

"You're way to oblivious to be the Ultimate Detective."

"I am not oblivious, I'm just looking for a reasonable explanation. It'd be nice if you express your idea of you think I'm so oblivious to the story."

"It's simple, really, My Little Kouhai. Nowhere in the handbook did it say that we couldn't lie about our personal information, ultimates included."

"So, you're saying that Yamaguchi-kun's lying? But why?"

"That's a question for him."

"Surprising, I thought you were all-knowing, senpai."

"That mouth of yours is going to get you into some deep shit."

"I'm willing to take the risk."



The freckled boy turned around to face me soon after I called his name. I was finally able to get Yamaguchi-kun alone, with the help of Kuroo-senpai of course. He had the role of distracting Tsukishima-kun whilst I  interrogated the other half.

"May I talk to you?"

"Oh, sure? What's going on, Kageyama-kun."

"Uh, just Kageyama, please. I rather avoid the formalities if that's okay with you."

"Oh, yeah, sorry...what's up, Kageyama?"

"Kuroo-san and I discovered labs earlier on and I decided to discuss yours with you."

"Labs...they're...rooms for your assigned Ultimates...correct?"

"Yes. On the topic of Ultimates, I would like to bring up yours and why you hid your true identity."


"I'm not pressuring you, take your time. Also, my lips are sealed. The only ones who will know are Kuroo-san and I. He knows about your secret Ultimate anyways, so there's no point in hiding it from him."

"I hid it because...I was scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

"Of people fearing me...who would want to befriend a no good killer? I'm practically a villain!"

"Your Ultimate doesn't define you as a person, Yamaguchi-kun. It's about what's in your heart, not in your life. Also, being an assassin is pretty badass if you ask me. Y'know, going around killing all those bad guys with those cool moves. I bet everyone would be envious of the skills you posses."

"I'm flattered, but that's just your perspective on it..."

"Listen, I'm not saying you have to go reveal your Ultimate to the whole world, alright? I just wanted to help you and friends?"

I held by hand out waiting for him to agree to the terms, but he thought about my offer. After a short amount of time, he smiled at me, a feeling of warmth and comfort in his eyes as he shook my hand.

"I would be honored to be your friend, Kageyama."

Words: 1139

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