6: Gearing Up

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Richard pulled up to the Midwest Dragway in high spirits. The rain had faded away by midday, and the gloomy clouds had parted, making way for a brilliant blue sky and cheerful sun. As he stepped out of his car, Richard closed his eyes for a moment, breathed in the scent of the earth and recent rain, and enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight on his cheeks. He was not much of an outdoors person, owing in part to his occupation, but in moments like these he toyed with the idea of becoming an outdoorsy person, someone who would hike and garden and take vacations to the beach.


Richard closed the door of his Camaro and headed to the registration booth set up just outside where he would enter the track. "Hello, Claudia."

Claudia looked up from a form she was reviewing and smiled. "Richard! Welcome back! I haven't seen you in far too long. Street Class, right?"

"That's right."

"Great. The entry fee is $50."

Richard handed over the money. Fifty bucks was a lot nowadays, but he didn't even feel a pang as he parted with the funds. He had cut back on a lot in his life to fund this lark of his and Garth's. He'd given up any telly he couldn't get on YouTube, hadn't been to a decent restaurant in months, and was holding off on buying a new pair of shoes he really needed...but the one thing he wouldn't give up was racing.

Claudia handed a tech form over to Richard. "Something to keep you busy while you're waiting for tech. Fill it out for me, okay?"

Richard grinned at her. "Will do. You know, if Garth ever really has to act as my emergency contact, I'm doomed."

With a chuckle, she replied, "Well, just don't get into an accident. Easy."

"I'll take that into consideration."

Claudia pointed with her pen. "You're good to go, hun. Head on into the track and they'll get you taken care of."

Nodding his thanks, Richard headed back toward his car. He drove deeper into the track to where his car would be inspected prior to the race. The tech team was busy with a sleek black Audi, so Richard killed the engine and settled back in his seat. He pulled a pen from his jacket pocket and started on the tech form Claudia had given him, jotting down the required information about himself and his car.

And his emergency contact, of course.

Just as he was finishing up, there was a tap on his window. Richard looked up to see Neil, a racing acquaintance of many years, leaning over his window. He laughed with pleased surprise and cracked his door open.

Neil said, "Hey, man! It's been a while!"

"That it has," Richard said. "How have you been, Neil?"

"I've been great! Took second in the Minneapolis Hot Shot race." Neil's friendly smile sharpened into a competitive grin.

"Wow, congrats, mate!"

"Thanks! I was hoping to see you there again this year. Woulda been nice to leave you in the dust again. How you been?"

"Oh, you know. Busy with work. I can't complain." Richard could, in fact, do a lot of complaining if he set his mind to it. His life of late had not exactly been a whirlwind of delirious happiness and success. But those were not things to talk about with acquaintances at the track, no matter how long he'd known them.

"Awesome. Hey, we're set up over there." Neil gestured to the pit. There, numerous cars were already parked, their drivers talking amongst themselves or working on their cars to prep them for the race. A swarthy man raised a hand in greeting. From his hunter orange ball cap, Richard recognized him as Bryce, another racing acquaintance. Neil lightly jostled Richard's shoulder. "Talk to you when you're done."

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