28: An Unwelcome Surprise

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Richard and Kavita stood next to one another, enjoying the palpable atmosphere of jubilation. The burble of the Karran tongue was like music, filling the space. Food was passed back and forth through the standing group, people sharing their spongy bread and pieces of fruit in a celebratory exchange.

Kavita nudged Richard with her elbow, holding up a piece of jaja. She broke it into two pieces and extended one to him.

He met her eye, returning her smile. They tapped their pieces of jaja together as if it were a champagne toast, and they ate the small bites.

"What I mean to say is thank you," she said. "What you've done for these people...It's important, Richard."

"I know. But all I did was follow some plans. You brought us together."

"Don't be modest."

"I'll stop if you do."

Kavita laughed and looked away, feigning exasperation. "It really turned out to be a gorgeous day," she said. "I wonder how our world compares to what the Karra are used to. Will they miss it when they leave, do you think?"

Richard considered the question, or tried to. He was rather focused on the wisps of dark hair at the nape of Kavita's neck. "Yeah," he said. "They probably will. Who wouldn't?"

Suddenly, the Karran standing next to him jolted backward and then sprawled to the ground, bleeding freely from a wound in their leg. It was Sah-Ladri, one of the Karra he'd met in the dining hall the first time he'd ventured there with Garth. They blinked up at him, shocked and in pain.

Another Karran near them slumped to the earth, a gaping hole in their back glistening with dark green blood.

"Holy shhh..." Richard breathed. He looked around, unable to understand what had happened.

"Richard?" Kavita sounded distant, uncertain. "Oh, my God."

Richard dropped his dish and bent to grab Sah-Ladri by their arms. He hauled them up and started to stagger toward the ship, ignoring their cry of pain. "C'mon," he urged, "we've got to run! Kavita, run!"

Sah-Ladri couldn't run, but they could stagger. Richard supported them, trying to make up for their jolting gait with speed on his side, but he had never been a track star. The last time he'd jogged had been a half-hearted attempt at Charlise's urging six or seven years into their marriage.

There was a metallic ping, then another; something was still shooting, and the bullets were bouncing off of the ship's hull.

Somebody shouted, raising their voice above the din of feet crunching over corn stalks and panicked cries. The tinny voice was unfamiliar to Richard. Although he couldn't understand the words, they were clearly spoken in the Karran tongue or something very like it.

Again, he he looked around wildly, seeking the source of the voice, but he could see nothing. Just then, Ol-Maran stepped out from around the ship, their fist raised and leveled toward the cornfield. The familiar flashes of light and silence accompanied the first officer's return fire. They covered Richard and Sah-Ladri as they staggered toward the jetbridge. Kavita ran before them, looking over her shoulder.

"We're coming, don't wait!" Richard snapped.

She hesitated, but picked up speed again, disappearing onto the jetbridge.

Garth. Where was Garth?

Richard strained for a glimpse of his friend over his shoulder as he stumbled toward the jetbridge, but all he could see was the crop circle, the shushing corn, and a few Karra running.

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