11: A Few Hundred Pretend Dollars

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Despite the many hours the two men had already invested in preparing the FundUp campaign, there was still plenty of work left to do. Before they could formally launch the fundraising effort, they needed a working prototype of the solar cells and the generator, too.

Garth had already researched extensively into manufacturing plans; in addition to the creation of their website and some initial connections with investors, this had been his contribution to their months of effort on their venture. As Garth reviewed the information he had compiled and made alterations, crunching numbers, Richard picked up where he had left off with prototyping the cells.

He was bent over the corner of the desk he had been allotted, a much smaller amount of space than Garth seemed to need for his keyboard and snacks. Around Richard were strewn his materials—pieces of glass, bits of metal, bottles of solutions. He had several small tools as well as a large, illuminated magnifying glass meant for working with miniatures.

I'll have plenty to occupy myself with until we can source a local gnome manufacturer to help with the prototype of the generator, he thought.

Then he thought, Is this my life?

"Gnomes are expensive," Garth muttered.

Richard huffed a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so. I don't suppose your new boyfriend is a veteran sculptor of lawn ornaments?"

"Nah, he's a doctor," Garth replied.

"Ah. Well, you could've picked a guy with a useful occupation."

"You'll have a different perspective someday when you are suffering from appendicitis and you need him to stick a tube up your butt."

Richard opened his mouth to retort before Garth's words had quite landed. When they did, he straightened in his seat and stared with narrow eyes at his friend, not certain where to start.

Garth spoke first. "Hey. I think we're live."

Still a few beats behind, Richard began, "Do you know what appendicitis—?" Then he stopped and raised a hand. "Wait. Your boyfriend is a doctor? You didn't think to mention this when you were refusing to let me call 911 to save your life last night?"

"Richard, I think we're live."

"Live with what?"

"With FundUp."


"With FundUp!" Garth repeated more loudly.

Wincing, Richard said, "I heard you, but that can't be right because we can't be live with the campaign until we have a working prototype and we're not even approaching 'working prototype' territory over here."

"Well, I was just seeing what would happen if I clicked the button—"

"You what?"

"I thought it would be a preview or something! There's got to be a way to un-click. I just haven't found it."

"Garth, I thought you were working on the numbers for manufacturing!" Richard dropped his pliers and kicked against the carpeted floor. His wheeled chair rolled a few inches toward Garth. He kicked again. And again. When he reached Garth's seat, he nudged his friend out of the way to see the monitor. On the screen was the concept art Garth had created of a lawn gnome with his snazzy shades, his head tilted back toward an imaginary sun.


"Are you serious right now?" Richard demanded. He pushed Garth's hand off of the mouse and scrolled down the page, looking for an option to do whatever the opposite of "go live" was called, but there was nothing. "Good God, you probably have to phone them up. That's on you. You launched, you un-launch with customer service."

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