A note from Misty, meeting Justin and my past

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“I guess I will see you there then,” The girl says. “My name is Ashley by the way.” Ashley smiles and skips away, probably off to her bus. Likewise, I walk towards my car in the parking lot.

My yellow VW bug, newly washed, sits in spot 268. That is just outside the library. I walk towards it, and find a white slip of paper lying gently caressed in between the wiper blades.


You BETTER show up to the party tonight! Don’t, and I will have to pay a visit EXTRA early tomorrow morning! Don’t make it come to that! This party is the culmination to your time here, make it count!

                             Love, your best friend in the whole world,

                                                          Misty Howard XOXO

Thanks, but no thanks Misty. This note isn’t going to persuade me any further. What really pushed me to go to this party is to what I’ve heard about it from that ‘Ashley’ girl I ran into in the bathroom. Not that a reference to a party in a bathroom encounter should pressure me to go, but it’s the unknown that is REALLY getting me excited.

I step into my car, and put my messenger bag into the passenger’s seat. I press the button above the middle of my dash, and it slowly reveals a hidden compartment for sunglasses. I slip the drug-store brand, black glasses onto my slender face. I take the bun down from my head in my mirror, and run my fingers through my hair. It’s not perfect, but it will have to do. My foot hits the gas, and soon I arrive at a Dunkin’ Donuts, down the street from my High School.

“One pumpkin latte, with 2 sugars and some cream please,” I say, pulling my brown wallet from my shrug’s pocket. My order is punched into the computer, and I hand over a five. I place the nearly three dollar tip into the white mug in front of the register.

“Thank you so much ma’am,” The young man behind the counter says, handing me my drink.

“It’s really no problem,” I say, taking the drink. “I know all too well what it’s like to be working for tips.” I giggle and take a sip of the latte. I brush back a loose strand of my hair, and tuck it behind my ear.

“Oh, well thanks again, maybe I can buy myself some dinner,” The young man says chuckling warmly. He takes himself a munchkin from a container under the counter, reserved for the workers. “I’m Justin, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you Justin,” I say, pretending to curtsey. “I’m Janette,”

“Well hello Janette,” Justin says. “I guess I’ll see you around?”

“Nope,” I sigh. “Moving to England in a couple of days, this was actually my last day of high-school.”

“You went to Wilson High down the street didn’t you?” Justin asks, munching on another Munchkin.

“Yup,” I say, smiling. I feel like I have seen Justin before, it’s like he’s been to my apartment complex, or maybe lived next to Misty…

“I graduated last year actually,” He begins. “I actually got invited to some party tonight, it’s at this house on Waterman Ave, and it’s only 2 or 3 streets down from me so I figured I would swing by.”

“Funny story,” I say, pulling the street address and note from Misty out of my pocket. “I think the party is some sort of ‘going away’ party for me.”

“Well, I guess I’ll see you there then huh?” Justin says, his hand in his hair.

“I bet you will,” I say, winking at Justin. I pick up the latte I had placed on the counter and make my way to the door. “See you tonight!” I yell, opening the door.

 I pull into my apartment building’s parking lot. The neighborhood kids are sitting in front of the park, where I used to play way back when.

“Hi Netty!” Some of the kids yelled. I waved back with my free hand, and opened the elevator door.

“3rd floor, right Ms. Ennis?” Our doorman, Chris asks, pushing the button.

“Yes,” I reply. “But not for long.” I say giggling.

“How many more days until you leave?” He says, the elevator doors shutting.

“Only about 2,” I confess, blushing. “I have a gift for you!”

“Where is it?” He askes, looking around the elevator.

“Not until ‘the last ride’” I say, smirking. “It’s a good one I promise!” I exclaim, as the doors open. Chris smiles and motions for the door.

“See you tomorrow?” He says.

“Yes,” I say. “But if you will be working at 7:30, I’ll be leaving for a little party then.”

“Remember what I said to you Janette,” He says, shaking his finger.

“I won’t drink too much, party too hard or make too many bad decisions!” I say , leaving the elevator. Chris has been the father u never knew, with both parents gone by the age of seven, he was almost all I had. My parents? My father died in a plane crash, he was going away on business when it went down. My mother couldn’t support the both of us, and left me with one thousand dollars taped to the inside of my coat, and a letter telling anyone who found me to take the money and do whatever they wanted. As long as they did something to help me. Whether it be turn me into the police station, or raise me as their own.

Within three years, I bounced between over ten homes. Chris found me one day, and his best friend Al raised me like I was his daughter. Al and Chris where two peas in a pod, and at the end of the day- they are the people that shaped me into who I am today. I can remember the day Chris found me, and brought me to all and his wife, Annabelle.

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