"welcome to tony's"

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“Look whose back,” Justin says, before I even have my scarf off. He smiles warmly. “The same drink as before love?”

“Sure,” I giggle. “And I was wondering, would you like to come grab a pizza with me?” Justin leans over the counter.

“I get off at 6:30,” He begins, handing me the coffee. “But I’ll sneak out early since the boss doesn’t come in today.”

“What a bad boy,” I joke, picking up my warm coffee. Justin makes himself coffee, and throws down his apron.

“Finally,” He says. “I’ve been here since school got out at 2:30.” Justin comes out from around the corner where the staff stands.

“Where do you think you’re going?” A blonde, short girl says, hands on her hips.

“Come on Megan,” Justin says, shaking his head. “I’m just going to leave a bit early! I’ve covered for you plenty of times!”  ‘Megan’ sighed.

“This is the last time I will let you walk out here with one of your little girl friends,” She says, approaching me. “Oh and girl, good luck with this kid.”

“Oh no,” I say, backing up from Justin’s side. “I’m not- I mean we aren’t, you don’t understand it’s just that-“

“We aren’t dating Megan,” Justin said, turning to the door and walking away. “Thanks for covering for me though.”

We walk out of the Dunkin Donuts in silence.

“You weren’t bothered by Megan,” Justin questions. “Where you? She is just an ex-girlfriend of mine.”  I laugh at the thought of Justin, the laid back brit barista, and Megan, the uptight blonde. The chances of me putting those two together are slim to none.

“Oh she was fine,” I say, kicking up some dust from the parking lot. “She was just a bit…”

“odd?” Justin says, finishing my sentences for me. I shrug, and nod. “I can see you two becoming friends though.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever been more wrong Justin,” I say, swinging my head back. We get to the end of the parking lot and find his car.

“Should we take my car? Or did you bring yours?” He asks, digging for his keys.

“Bring my car?” I ask. “Definitely not! I live like four blocks away, if that.”

“Four blocks!?” Justin says, taking off his jacket. “Take this you must be freezing! I’m such a bad person, oh my god. You were walking for how long in forty degree weather?”

“Justin it’s fine!” I say, refusing the jacket. “Let’s just get going! I’ve got to be home by seven to get ready for the party.”

Justin and I drive about a mile to the pizza parlor. We walk in and are greeted by the warm heat and atmosphere.

“Welcome to Tony’s! For here or to go?” The hostess says.

Janette's got a dark side. a one direction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now