Chapter 17: Underground Ruins & the blistering heat

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Murai's POV:

We found a tunnel that brought us straight to the ruins. It was pretty hard to find where to go with out bumping into each other, or seeing the enemy.

Without knowing a accidently bumped into Zero.

Murai: Ah, Sorry.

She didn't respond. She's been acting strange ever since that moment we were alone together.

Decadus: This darkness makes it hard to see.

Octa: Oh oh oh! Who needs darkness? Pretty much anything makes me hard.

Dito: That's not even... You really are hopeless, Octa.

We continued to cut through the soldiers and move further within the ruins and found more different soldiers.

Murai: Who's this fool.

Octa: A wizard, it would seem.

Zero: Is that different from a sorcerer? I can't keep track of these assholes.

Dito: I'd be careful Z. You don't wanna piss these guys off.

Zero: Why?

Dito: They pretty much sold their own souls just for greater power.

We then cut through these wizards and moved forward. Their were alot of platforms aswell. They seemed to be powered by magic, that would explain why they are floating. We made it through after almost falling a lot, only to find an entrance to somewhere.

Soldier A: Their they are! Take them down!

Octa: Hmm. It appears to be an underground lair...

Decadus: They built it right into the ruins. How clever

Soldier A: Stay calm and remember what we taught you!

Soldier B: It's time to show Lady Two what we got!

Soldier F: This is no training ground any longer!

Dito: Pfft! They only have a bunch of juniors guarding this place.

Zero: Funny to hear you calling anyone "junior."

Dito: Hey, cram it!

All these soldiers shaking and afraid. I couldn't blame them, they were rookies after all. We dealt with them quick and headed for the entrance. But then, These monsters with swords ambushed us. I dodged and Zero jumped in order to get out of the way. But a third one tried to jump her. I saw her block but then a fourth one showed up and caught her off guard and sliced her arm off.

Murai: Ah! Zero!

When she landed on the ground she grabbed her arm. I noticed one of those monsters ready to slice her. I shoot at it with magic and stunned it.


I jump and sliced it's head clean off and rushed to Zero's side. The disciples came to our aid as the rest of the monsters surrounded us.

Murai: We're surrounded!

Dito: Hope you can stick that back on!

Zero: Let's see...

She tried to put her arm back on. Once she did it started moving, as if all the nerves and bones were regenerating. Basically putting themselves back together. she shook her arm and just like that, it was good as new.

Zero: There. Shall we finish this?

She then smiled and then charged ahead.

Octa: Ho ho ho. That was quiet the trick Lady Zero!

Murai: It's not just her arm. She can actually regenerate her lost limbs if the damage is that bad.

Decadus: Nnnnhhh....

Octa: Hmm? Something the matter, Decadus?

Dito: Probably grossed out. He's pretty delicate... for a freak.

We then finished these monsters pretty quick. I dealt the finishing blow against it. I was getting better with how to deal with these things.

Murai: That's the last of them.

Zero: ......

Murai: Hey! You alright? How's your arm?

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Murai: Hey! You alright? How's your arm?

Murai: Hey! You alright? How's your arm?

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Zero: ...... It doesn't seem to feel pain anymore. ....Seems I'm getting less human by the day.

Murai: Hm? (Less human?)

Zero: Three down, two to go. Oh and don't tell Mikhail about this.

Murai: ......... (Zero...)

After we decimated the enemy base, I found some documents that pointed in the location to where the Shrine was. We found ourselves outside of the ruins and into the open desert in the direction where the Shrine of Sands was. 

Murai: Geez... It's hot...

Octa: The sun light reflects off the sand, making it seem even hotter.

Suddenly the wind picked up and a sand storm acquired. We kept pushing through despite the visibility was very low as we tracked across the sands. Before I knew it I looked behind me and I lost the others except Zero. She then collapsed, probably from the heat and exhaustion. I went back to help her. 

Murai: Zero! Hey? Wake up! Dito? Decadus? Octa? 

It was obvious we lost them. 

Murai: Their's got to be some shelter nearby.

I held Zero over my back as I was trying to find some shelter from the storm. Alittle bit later, Their was a piece of ruins that was out of the way of the wind. I set Zero down and sat next to her. I felt her head and she was alittle overheated but started cooling off. For some reason I forgot how pretty she was up close. The storm definitely was not easing up any time soon. So I decided we would rest here until the storm died down and we found the others.

To Be Continue...

Drakengard 3: Zero's Salvation  (Male OC x Zero)Where stories live. Discover now