Chapter 2: Mourning

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It had been a few days

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It had been a few days. A few days after the death of Taeyong's father, the late King of Luminosa. As Taeyong stood there, watching as people from each of the light realms entered the castle gardens, he couldn't help but think back to the conversation he had with his father.

I knew it was a bad idea, Taeyong thought as he stared at the people in white, bowing their heads as they walked past him. I knew we should have never invited the dark realms.

Taeyong turned as he felt a tap on his shoulder, meeting Yangyang's eyes.

"Um, have you seen Aera? The funeral is beginning soon and she's not here yet."

Taeyong shook his head. "She's probably in her room. She's been in there for the past few days so I wouldn't be surprised if she's still taking her time to get ready."

"I'll go back to the castle then." Yangyang told him before running off.

Taeyong watched him disappear, adjusting his suit jacket. As he looked up at the sky, he couldn't help but wish that it wasn't always so bright in Luminosa.

In the realm of light, white was a colour they wore on happy occasions, paired with gold. They wore it for balls, parties, weddings, and many more. For funerals, the colour gold was stripped from their clothes, the people wearing all white without the royal accent.

The various guests of the light realms adhered to this rule, paying their respects before taking their seats. Taeyong himself wasn't sure when he was going to do that, unsure of when he'll be ready to accept his father's death.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Taeyong turned to see Jungwoo there, hands in his pockets. Taeyong knew that Jungwoo had spent the whole night of the King's death crying with him, the man being an emotional sponge. He knew that Jungwoo seemed put together right now, but a little push would send him off the edge.

"I'm fine." Taeyong said with a sniffle, blinking back the tears in his eyes. "It was just. Unexpected."

"It was." Jungwoo agreed. "No one saw it coming."

"It was such a good day too." Taeyong sighed. "The realms were united again that day. Now..."

Taeyong's voice trailed off as an unfamiliar carriage arrived, making the funeral guests turn as well. The carriage was dark, black in colour, completely contrasting the white clothing of the people.

When the carriage door opened, two people stepped out, their faces unfamiliar to Taeyong. It was one male, one female, and considering how similar they looked, Taeyong assumed they were siblings. By the way they walked and presented themselves, they were clearly born of royal blood, just not from any of the light realms.

"They're from the dark realms, right?" Taeyong heard someone ask.

"I think so." Another replied. "But how would any of the dark realms know about this?"

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