Chapter 2: Restoration (part 1)

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Jiwoo rubbed her temples as she stared at the paperwork in front of her

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Jiwoo rubbed her temples as she stared at the paperwork in front of her. Maybe I should have stuck to being the royal advisor. Being queen is too much.

"You look stressed." Doyoung pointed out, making her look up.

"This is just a lot." Jiwoo told him. "I knew being the Ruler of Luminosa was going to be hard but I wasn't expecting it to be this hard."

"Let me take a look." Doyoung said, and Jiwoo gave him the papers she was looking at. A few moments later, a wide grin spread on his face.

"What?" Jiwoo asked, confused as to why he was reacting this way. "Is something wrong?"

Doyoung shook his head, passing her papers back. "I'm just surprised. Eis's paperwork is ten times worse."

"Okay, I get it." Jiwoo shook her head, smiling. "I judged the dark realms too early. Forgive me?"

Doyoung only smirked, deciding to take advantage of the situation as he leaned forward. "Give your boyfriend that you denied your feelings for a kiss first and then I'll consider it."

"Yah!" Jiwoo exclaimed, pushing Doyoung away. He pouted and Jiwoo sighed before gently tugging his tie so his face was near hers, giving him the kiss that he so desired.


"Jeno, I really don't like this." Jaehee mumbled, clutching tightly to her boyfriend's arm. "They're really scary."

Jeno tried not to laugh, finding his girlfriend adorable. The people she was referring to were the Erde Council, consisting of the different clan leaders of the realm.

"They are but you'll get used to them soon enough." Jeno said, giving Jaehee's hand a squeeze. "How are you supposed to lead alongside me if you're afraid of them?"

Jaehee seemed taken aback by Jeno's statement. "Isn't it too early to be thinking about that?"

Jeno shrugged his shoulders. "Jaemin is preparing to be king and he's not married to Eunhye yet so I don't think it's too early. Plus, now I don't have to suffer alone."

"The things I do for you." Jaehee shook her head as Jeno smiled. "But I'm telling you, I really don't like how violent Erde is. You all need to calm down."

"You're so cute." Jeno smiled, pinching Jaehee's cheek. He watched as Jaehee got all flustered, her cheeks turning pink.

"Ah, this is so embarrassing." Jaehee whined, cupping her face in her hands, only making Jeno's smile widen.


"You want a what?" Jaemin exclaimed, staring at his girlfriend. "Say that again, I didn't register it."

"I want a cat." Eunhye said, adjusting her position on the bed. "Gosh, why is that so hard to ask for?"

"We've been talking about returning Aria's citizens back to their home realm all day and you're telling me that you want a cat?" Jaemin continued whining. "What about the people?"

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