Prologue: Chapter 1: Nowhere Left To Run Part 1

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Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Are you sure we can trust the police Adler?,
Mason said

This guy's done more for less he'll look the other way, Adler said

It was January of 1981 Alex mason, frank woods and Russell Adler received a mission from the president: find Arash kadivar and quasim javadi

How's it going?, Hans said

Glad you could join us Hans you know mason right?, adler said

We clear to move on the target?, mason said

you guys are clear but you only have 15 minutes I hope you brought an army,Hans said

We brought enough pleasure doing business with you Hans, adler said

Come on mason let's move let's not leave woods waiting, adler said

Got it, mason replied.

Mason and adler walk out of the bar where woods was just chilling

Woods you look like hammered shit, mason said

Looks don't count for shit in the new year this is Amsterdam baby, woods replied

Woods, mason and adler head to where quasim javadi was located they open fire on his men mason chases after quasim but a guard gets In his way so mason kills him in brutal fashion then goes right back to killing off qausims men after trapping him on a rooftop Adler woods and mason jump off of one rooftop while taking out the rest of qausims men to another

Nowhere left to run qausim, adler said

Wait we can work somethi--- Adler punches him before he could finish

You're up mason, adler said

Mason grabs qausim by the shirt collar

You messed with the wrong people where is Arash, mason said

I have no idea where Arash is, qausim replied

I don't think you understand the situation ,adler said while throwing one of quasims men off the edge and onto the hood of a car

You are Americans you have rules, qausim said

You took hostages the rules changed, adler said

Talk or you're going to end up like your friend down there, mason threatened

Ok ok he is going to Trabzon airfield tomorrow night, qausim confessed

who is he meeting with?, Mason said

I swear I don't know they only communicate with coded messages, qausim said

Mason decides to knock him out Adler decides to capture him

Hudson were bringing you a present, adler said

Where is Arash, Hudson said over comms

He is in Trabzon, turkey, adler replied

End of chapter 1

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