Chapter 12: Echos Of A Cold War

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March 3rd 1981,mount yamantau

Mason and woods are tasked with securing a mainframe Adler's contact in the KGB Dimitri belikov is standing by for exfil meanwhile bell is handling comms with mason and woods

Dammit bell why did you tell everyone that I embarrassed myself at that base, woods asked

I'm sorry woods it was just too funny for me not to tell everyone, Bell said over comms

But anyways Dimitri belikov he's a good teammate he'll get you out in one piece

Alright woods let's go, mason said

Mason and woods moved their way towards to the old SATCOM building

I'll take point, woods said

Of course you're the expert in quiet, mason said

I'm a godamn onion mason you should know that, woods said

Bell: *poorly suppressed laughter*

What's so funny, woods asked

Who the fuck says that,bell said trying not to laugh

Bell shut the fuck up, woods said

Alright but I'm never gonna let you live it down, bell said

Godammit, woods said

Come on let's go, mason said

Mason and woods spot two guards near them

Ok I got the one against the tree you got the one in the keeping lookout alright?, Mason said

Alright, woods said

On 3 1 2 3 * mason and woods take out the guards silently*

Alright let's move up, mason said

Mason and woods spot a Zipline

We can use this to get across, woods said

Alright let's go *mason and woods get across using the Zipline*

There's the old SATCOM building I'm surprised it's still holding up to this day, woods said

Me too, mason replied

Mason and woods take out some guards in their way they come up to another Zipline

You go first this time, woods said

Alright, mason said

Mason was about to get across when two Soviets shoot the line causing it to snap luckily mason able to avoid plummeting to his death but unfortunately he lost his gun leaving him with only his knife

Mason you alright, woods asked

Yeah but I lost my damn gun I see a tunnel here you're going to have to find a way inside, mason said

Mason went into The tunnel he immediately felt the cold air blow on his skin

Damn it's cold in here, he said

He finds a crossbow bolt and picks it up

Hmm crossbow bolt *numbers start flashing in his mind*

He went further into the SATCOM building and saw Soviets looking for him he takes each and every single one of them silently before regrouping with woods

bet no one saw you coming let's go, woods said

Masons spots a pair of binoculars

Mason: *grabs the binoculars* let's see what they're up to

You see anything, woods said

Yeah there's a fuckton of guys here, mason said

Steiner was into some crazy shit man that nova 6 business was just the tip of the iceberg, woods said

Let's introduce ourselves, mason said

Hey comms are back thought we lost you guys, bell said over comms

Have you found the mainframe yet?, He asked

Not yet, mason said

Well belikov did he's waiting for you guys,bell said

Ok lets go mason, woods said

Mason and woods fight their way through the Soviets they eventually find belikov and the mainframe

Come on hook it up and let's get out of here, belikov said

All right, mason said

Mason and woods hook up the mainframe and escape

Mission accomplished good work, bell said

End of Chapter 12

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