Chapter 14: Desperate Measures part 2: Into The Hornets Nest

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After belikov got his hands on the key card he has to lure three people into the boiler room where bell, Athena and adler are hiding

Bell, Athena hide we gotta do this quietly the uniforms are no good to us bloody, adler said

Got it, bell

Copy, Athena said

Belikov lures three people to the boiler room as soon as he has them distracted bell , Athena and adler come up from behind and snap their necks

I gotta go if you are stopped you are reporting to commander sobol, belikov said

Got it belikov,bell said

Get changed, adler said

Alright, Bell and Athena said

A few minutes later

After they manage to sneak past the metal detectors Bell, Athena and Adler find an elevator that will take them to the bunker
But Imran zakhaev stops the elevator so he could enter

"Hmm fresh faces when did you three arrive" he asked

"Just today actually", Athena said

"Of course who are you reporting to" zakhaev asked

Instead of answering the question bell and adler decide to knock him out

"What are you doing"zakhaev asked

Adler punches zakhaev knocking him out

Elevator conversation always gets awkward, adler said

It's assholes like that we gotta watch out for,bell said

Here ready up *Adler tosses a duffel bag to Bell and Athena*

A few minutes later

Get ready for a fight they're not going to like our presence here, Adler said

Bell, Adler and Athena decide to introduce themselves

Hello dipshits, Bell said before gunning down two guards

Ok let's go, he said

Bell , Adler and Athena gun down multiple guards to get to the vault where the files with the identities of the sleeper agents were

There's the vault get it open, Adler said

Got it, Bell said

Bell types in a code and opens up the vault

Adler go look for the files we'll keep you covered, Bell said

Ok, Adler replied

Bell spots a heavily modified pistol on a desk

Hmm looks menacing let's test this thing out

A guard enters the vault but bell fires his newfound weapon at the guard killing him instantly and sending them flying

Ohohohohoho I am definitely keeping This

Btw the heavily modified pistol in question is the "Hand Cannon" it's pretty much the Annihilator From Black ops 3 and 4,bell said

Did you just break the 4th wall bell, Athena said

Yes in fact I did,bell said

5 guards attack bell and his teammates but he kills them all easily

If I run out of ammo for my newfound weapon I'm kicking your ass author notice I didn't say shooting cus I need FUCKING AMMO FOR THAT, bell said angrily

Whoever you're talking to bell I don't think they're listening btw I got the files let's GTFO, Adler said

Alright let's go,bell said

Bell, Athena and Adler fought their way out of the vault but when they attempt to escape they find belikov about to be executed

"Surrender and we'll let him live" said the guard

Bell, Athena and Adler put on gas masks

Bell activate the gas,Adler said

Got it, bell replied

Bell activates gas allowing them to help belikov put on a gas mask

Thanks guys, belikov said

You're welcome belikov come on let's go, Bell said

Bell Athena, Belikov and Adler make their way to an elevator

Alright Adler Belikov let's armor up,bell said

A few minutes later

Lazar meet us at the courtyard in five minutes belikov is hitching a ride, Adler said

Plenty of room in the backseat,he replied

Alright once bell blows the charge we fight our way out here get the charge ready bell *adler tosses the charge to bell*

Charge is primed,bell said

The elevator doors open

Let's go bell, adler said

Bell tosses the charge at a group of guards and detonates it killing all of them

Alright let's go, adler said

Stay behind us Athena we got the armor, Bell said

Bell , Adler and Belikov cleared a path to their escape route

Come on get in, Lazar said

Bell , Adler, Belikov and Athena hop in

Punch it!, bell said

Bell and his teammates manage to escape

Wooo Fucking A, bell said

End of Chapter 14

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