Chapter 18: The Final Countdown Part 2: This Is How Wars Are Won

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After bell tells adler where Perseus is planning to detonate the nukes him and the team gear up to save the world

Let's go bell c'mon you're still one of us, adler said while helping bell off the gurney

Bell I know you're probably mad at me right now but it had to be done, park said

I know I know don't worry I still love you,bell said

I still love you too I'm going with you and Athena, park said

What about your wounds?, bell asked

They're nothing but flesh wounds, park said before giving bell a kiss

Hey buddy you coming with us, bell asked

My legs still hurt but at least I can move them, Lazar said

Come on let's lock and load,bell said

Bell and Park head to the armory but adler gets in their way

Umm park you do realize your wounds are going to take weeks to fully heal right, adler asked

I know that, park replied

She's coming with us whether you like it or not, bell said

You got guts park I just don't wanna see em, adler said before walking away

Alright let's gear up, bell said

A few minutes later

Alright let's make sure we have the 3 boxes checked

Bell, Park, Athena and Lazar put their fists together just like they did in Havana

Do we know the plan?,bell asked

All: Yes!

Do we have each other's backs?

All: Yes!

Are you guys ready?

All: Yes!

Alright let's go world isn't gonna save itself,bell said


Gentlemen you've been given a very important task: defending our way of life from a great evil, Reagan said

The united states slowly consume that which is dear to us, Perseus said

We are hours away from Perseus detonating nuclear bombs in every major European city, Hudson said

We'll do whatever it takes, Adler said

Some of us will cross the line to make sure the line is still there in the morning

None of us will be branded as heros or villains

They don't know us as for me I've been chasing this ghost for thirteen years

It ends now

March 15th 1981 12:15 am

The final countdown

Solovetsky islands, USSR

Hey park you ready, bell asked

Always am, park replied

Lazar what about you,bell asked

Ready as I'll ever be, Lazar said

I'm ready too,Athena said

Good thing belikov hooked us up with this Soviet armor, woods said

Bout time you caught up woods, adler said

No way I'm missing this motherfuckers are gonna pay for messing with us, woods said

You'll get your chance solovetsky's two clicks out, adler said

Alright Adler what's the plan,bell asked

When that baby hits we'll have twelve minutes max before the radio towers come back online our job is to knock out the AA guns and give our warbirds a clean shot let's take Perseus off the air, adler said

The EMP detonated sending a shockwave that shook the ground beneath bell and his team

Fuck me that loosened some fillings, Mason said

Light em up,he said

Bad guys lots of bad guys, woods said

Bell whips out the war machine and clears a path for him and his team

Push up push up go go go, woods said

Alright everyone let's get this done, Bell said

Bell and his team fight their way to the first AA gun

Bell strap some C4 on that AA gun blow that thing to shit!, adler said

Got it, bell replied

Bell places a C4 charge on the AA gun

It's armed get back!,bell screamed out before getting to a safe distance before blowing up the AA gun

Alright let's go Athena, Lazar you're with Mason and Woods Park, Bell you're with me, adler said

Alright!, Lazar and Athena reply

Ok then come on park let's go, bell said

Adler, Bell and Park, fought their way towards the final AA gun

Woods I'ma need to tell Hudson to launch the bombers soon, adler said

That's a big gamble if that gun ain't cleared, woods said

Bell finds a minigun

Shouldn't leave this lying around,bell said

That's gonna be helpful, park said

No shit park alright last push we can do this,bell said

Bell clears a path with his minigun leaving a trail of destruction behind him

Keep me covered I'm placing the charge,bell said

Got your back bell, park said

Bell plants the charge on the final AA gun

Bell we gotta go now!, adler said

Bombers came in and destroyed the radio towers bell tried to get away from the AA gun but was knocked back by an explosion

Bell woke up his vision was groggy as a result of the explosion he was buried under a pile of rubble

Guys over here!, woods shouted

Give me a hand with this, woods said

Woods Mason, Lazar, Adler, Athena and Park lift the rubble off of bell

Take my hand bell, adler said while lifting bell up

Thanks guys,bell said

We did it this is a message to Perseus and those that'll follow him we don't just sit back and hope for the best we make the best happen, adler said

This is how wars are won bell,he said

Damn right,bell said

Alright everyone except bell and Athena head back to the safehouse we'll search the place for intel

Alright, they respond

End of Chapter 18

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