Chapter 6: Fracture Jaw

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Location: camp Haskins, Vietnam

1968 the Vietnam war

Adler, sims, bell, and Athena go back the first time Perseus pinged the c.i.a's radar

Bell it's time to wake up, adler said

Alright hey Athena you look like hammered shit,bell said

Looks don't count here bell this is nam baby, Athena replied

C'mon shake a leg we gotta go,bell said

Athena gets out of bed then follows Bell and adler

Hey butcher how's the arm,Adler asked

Still hurts like hell but at least I can move it,he replied

Bell, Athena and adler head to the Huey where sims was located

Hey sims you know reading that shit's gonna make you go blind right, adler said

Yep that's why I want it all up here,sims replied

Alright let's get going,bell said

Bell, Athena, adler and sims hop aboard the Huey they head to a village bell man's the minigun and guns down plenty of Vietnamese troops clearing a path for him and his teammates

C'mon bell let's go, sims said

Bell, Athena and,sims gun down the remaining Vietnamese troops they come up to a red door bell kicks it down but 2 Soviets raised their guns ready to shoot him but sims quickly intervenes and kills them both before they can fire a shot

Adler there's Soviets here, sims said

Have any proof?, adler asked over comms

Well I'm looking at two bodies that sure as hell don't look Vietnamese to me,sims, replied

Ok, adler said

Bell search this place for intel, sims said

Got it, bell said

Bell scours the area for intel he finds a dossier with a bloody handprint on it

Jackpot,bell said

What did you find?, sims asked

What we came here for,bell replied

Ok lets go, sims said

Bell, Athena and sims regrouped with adler on the Huey

Don't thank us thank bell and Athena they're the ones that snagged us a fucking phone book full of Soviet intel, adler said

Bell and his teammates were ready to bug out but a rocket came out of nowhere and took out one of the choppers beside them sending flying into the chopper bell and his teammates were inside of

Sticks dead hold on, said the pilot

WE'RE GOING DOWN!, Bell exclaimed

Ugh you guys ok?,bell said

Yeah we're fine, Athena said

Out of nowhere a bullet came and went straight through and hit the pilot in the head killing him instantly Adler drew his pistol and shot the Vietnamese soldier

Bell get on the turret, adler said

Got it, bell replied

Bell got on the minigun and sprayed the Vietnamese troops with lead bell noticed a fire coming from the chopper he tells everyone to get away from before it explodes

Bell, Athena grab a weapon keep them the fuck off us, Adler said

Alright, they both replied

Bell and Athena gunned down the remaining Vietnamese troops then an explosion knocked bell and Athena back they look and realized that Adler requested a napalm strike

Ahh I love the smell of napalm in the morning, bell said

Good work everybody drinks are on me tonight, adler said

End of chapter 6

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