Chapter 8: Brick In The Wall Part 2: Welcome To East Berlin

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February 13th 1981 8:00pm

After finding out volkov's location adler, Bell, park, Athena and Lazar head to east Berlin via train to track him down

Alright what's the plan adler, Bell asked silently

Alright when the train slows down we jump off bell, park you're with me Athena you'll stay here with Lazar alright 3,2,1 jump

Alright let's do this,bell said

Bell, park and adler, make their way through the train tracks they spot two guards

Shit hide, bell whispered

Ok park I got the one on the left you got the one on the right, bell whispered

Ok, we'll take them out on your signal

On 3 ,1,2,3 *bell and park take out the guards silently*

Nicely done let's move up, bell said

We gotta be quiet, adler said

No shit, bell replied

Bell, park and adler make their way outside just as they do they are spotted by two German guards

"Don't move" the guards said

Shit, adler said

Listen buddy if only i had a nickel for every don't move, Bell said

The guards were about to arrest bell, park and adler when Lazar and Athena came to their aid knocking both of the guards out

Thanks for the save Lazar, bell said

You're welcome, Lazar replied

Bell climb that ladder, adler said

Got it, bell said

Bell climbed the ladder as soon as he reached the top he could only be amazed at what he saw

Holy shit the Berlin wall,bell said

Now's not the time for sightseeing bell take out your camera and look for our man of interest, adler said

Got it, bell said

Bell whipped out his camera to look for Kraus

The guy with the briefcase you see him, adler said over comms

Bell snaps a photo of Kraus

Yep that's our guy mission is a go, Bell said

Now climb down before someone spots you up there, adler said

Alright,bell said

Alright bell take this. *adler hands a listening device disguised as a pack of cigarettes to bell*

Let me guess listening device?

Yep now head into that coffee shop and get us the Intel we need our bnd contact is in there

Got it, bell said

Bell went into the coffee shop and saw Adler's bnd contact so he went towards her and took a seat

Hi your Adler's contact right, bell whispered

Yeah Greta Keller bnd,she whispered

Nice to meet you, the name's bell,he said

Bell whips out the cigarette pack disguised listening device and sets it down on the table

So my informant Lukas Richter he can't be trusted I need you to deal with him

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