Welcome ~ Michael Palin

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80s fluff

Main POV:

The sun streamed through the lace curtains that hung over the window in the bedroom. I sat up, wiped my eyes then stretched my arms out. While I let my arms fall I realized I hadn't landed my hand on my husband's sleeping figure. For the first time I opened my eyes and saw that his side of the bed was all neatly made as if he hasn't been there at all.

Then my eyes trailed over to the bedside table on my right where a small white alarm clock sat. It read "10:30". 'Where would Michael be this time of morning? ' I thought to myself pulling back the top corner of the thin duvet so it only covered my legs. I then swizzeled my bum so my feet planted themselves on the oak floor.

Standing up, I felt the blood rush from my head causing me to stumble a bit, my hand instantly holding my head. 'Shit I hate when that happens' . I slowly walked towards a small chair in the corner that had my silk dressing gown laid over the armrest. I picked it up, slipped it on and tide the belt loose around my waist.

I wandered out the bedroom and into the short, narrow hallway in the direction of the kitchen. It was a lot brighter than the bedroom and had a distant smell of toast. I wasn't really in the mood for much so I decided on a bowl of Kellogg's corn flakes would do. As I was sat eating my cereal I heard the front door open and close and those recognizable footsteps.

"Y/N? Are you up?" I heard him say then he began to walk to the bedroom door. I decided I should scare him and uttered a silent giggle. Michael opened the bedroom door and sighed before closing it. While Michael was entering and exiting I had stood up as quiet as I could and tiptoed to right side of the door.

"Y/N? Where are you?" he spoke as if he was speaking to a child.

"Y/N?"as he got to the double dark oak doors into our kitchen I jumped out.

"Ah! Don't do that! Good Lord" He shouted cover his heart with his right hand, a questionable plastic bag of water in his left.

"Sorry Mikey I-" I said while gripping my stomach in laughter.

"Well it's not funny you could have made me drop our new....." he trailed off seeming to have forgotten what to say. "Housemates?" Michael finished with a questioning tone.

I then examined the bag and noticed several orange gold fish and a bigger black and white fish.

"Fish"I said not meaning to actually say it out loud.

"Yes Y/N they are in fact fish, Do you mind helping me with the tank? I should have brought it up with me but I was too excited to show you them"he chuckled and smiled. I nodded and I walked out the kitchen and through the front door towards our Mercedes (A/N: bcs apparently Michael had a Merc 😂)
The boot was still open and I grabbed the large glass tank and slowly went back into the house.

"Did you carry it okay? Do you want me to take it from here?" Michael asked smiling as I places it on a short but wide chest of drawers in the living room. I nodded again.

"How are we filling this up?" I ask pointing to the tank with my left hand lazily.

"I'll fill it with a jug don't worry you go get dressed"Michael requested and I gave him a light kiss on the chest. As I turned to walk away I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist and I was soon pressed right into Michael's chest. He his left arm around my waist as well, holding his hands behind my back. I laid my arms on his shoulders and intertwined my fingers in his springy brown hair.

I pull away from this hug type position but Michael pulled me back once again his time catching my lips in a passionate embrace.

"Right your dismissed "Michael announced like a teacher causing me to giggle and walk into the bedroom and close the door. "You can keep that open if you like "he teased with a chuckle.

Walking over to our wardrobe, I wondered what clothes I should wear today. Once I opened the door my eyes landed on a pretty white dress that had daisies dotted all over it and short puffy sleeves. I took it out and laid it on the edge of the bed while I slipped my panties on and clipping my bra behind my back. A lot of clatter could get heard from behind the door causing me to chuckle.

Once dressed I walked over and opened the bedroom door seeing Michael standing right outside it grinning with pride.

"Well? Did you fill it?" I asked smiling. He nodded still as giddy as a school boy.  He grabbed my wrist and began to pull me through to the living room like a child. I giggled at this, almost falling over.

Michael let go and walked in holding his right arm out towards the tank with a wide smile. I gasped and clapped my hands together.

"Michael. They're beautiful!" I exclaimed running over to the tank and peering in at each fish.

"They need names Y/N any ideas?" Michael asked now standing next to me with his arm resting on my waist.

"Hmmm how about Eric, Terry, ehm Terry No.2, John and um Graham!" I say laughing.

"Mm I like them but uh what about the zebra fish? You haven't named it yet" Michael said hinting that I should let him do it.

"Mikey? Any ideas?" I smirk looking over at him.

"How about Wanda?" he says from nowhere.

"And why Wanda Mikey?"

"Well it's a nice name ain't it? An it's a pretty fish"

"Alright Wanda it is"I agree smiling at him to then look back at the fish.

"A squeeze of lemon and some tartar sauce"I joked but Michael seems slightly taken aback.
"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean it".

"It's alright I knew it was a joke" Michael whispered standing up straight again as did I. "So you like them?"

"Are you kidding I love them! They're a nice addition to the family" I say making eye contact with him. We meet in the middle for a passionate kiss before he pulls away.

"Y/N?"he spoke softly.


"Do you want a child."

To be continued (but probably not)...

I hope you enjoyed this very much belated story.
Requests are open ~ Olivia 🥰

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