Request~ A moment to breathe- John

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Lyndsay's POV:

"God could this get any worse"I thought aloud turning the radio in the car completely off.

"Oi!" John complains. "That was Brahms 3rd!"he scowls looking over at me for a split second.

"So? He's boooorriinngg!" I reply pulling off a fake yawn, making him laugh but only slightly, his stern facial expression holding up.

"If that was George Harrison I'd get screamed at!" he reasons to which I nod and agree.

"That's because George is amaz-"I get cut off by the car bumping into a large pothole.

"What the hell was that?!" I ask peering out the window.

"The hotel's entrance way. Specifically made for those with wonky cars"John mutters carefully trying to wieve his way through them without falling in, succeeding partially. He drives into a parking space then stop the car.

John looks over at me with a stupid smile on his face." We. Are. Here" he says in a silly voice as he gets out and shuts the door. I do the same and we unload our bags out of the boot.

Once both of us are limbered up we enter the foyer and approach the front desk.

"Yes, good morning"the man behind says, he's very tall with a shit haircut. Wait a damn minute he looks like John's twin!

"Hi we have a booking under 'Cleese' " John replies leaning on the desk. This gives me more time to look between the two and decipher the lack of difference.

"Yes alright"the desk man says hurriedly, picking up random pieces of paper and practically throwing them around. I notice a badge on his green cardigan which reads 'Basil Fawlty'.
Whoever this man is needs some plastic surgery from whoever made the identical copy of a mad man.

I giggle at my own thoughts, retrieving a scowl from Basil.

"What's funny?"he asks shooting dangers as me. I shake my head and smile at my shoes. He finally finds whatever it is he's looking for and gasps.

John and I make eye contact both sharing the same confused look.

"Oh! Y-your k-key"Basil shaking holds out the key and I take it, seriously concerned. We thanks him and walk over to the stairs, helping each other with bags.

There was an old man standing at the top waiting to get down so we made quick work of reaching the top.

"Oh hello! "He says sounding very English and dapper.

"Hi there"John replies, I smile and nod.

"I don't suppose the have any flowers on you? I have a date tonight with my Tinder match-up?"he asks at John. John shakes his head.

"No I'm so sorry I used my last bunch this morning"he said making me laugh quietly to myself. The old man nods, then continues down the stairs. We finally reach the room which is at the complete opposite end to the stairs. Room '909'.

"Sure it isn't the one after?" John nods to the door which has a sign saying 'John Cleese' on it. We laugh then I put the key in, unlocking the door and kicking it open.

It was a large suite with lace curtains and-"one bed!" John complains shrugging his bags off of his shoulders.

"I specifically asked for two"he holds the bridge of his nose. I dropped my bags down and hugs his waist tightly.

"Stop being an angry troll Johnny we booked this as a break away from your stardom and having people's literal shit mailed to you in the post"I remind him, letting go.

He sighs then starts to unpack, I do the same till we're both tired as ever and decide to check out the lunch menu downstairs.

"Gralefrit, lamb carousel, Macarena pinzazi"John reads aloud, tilting his head with confusion.

"Well I don't know about you but the gralefrit sounds like fine dining to me"I shrug looking up at him. He agrees and we enter the dining room and sit at a table.

Basil is standing in the middle of the room,  with what looks like a waiter, and is hitting his over the head with a metal tray. He then sees us and wanders over, then bows.

"W-welcome t-t-to the-the d-d-d-dining r-room-"Basil's says in a hurried tone then makes a quick exit into the kitchen area. Then a younger woman, about my age, comes out and walks over to our table.

"What can I get you today?"she asks calmly, holding up a small notebook and pencil.

"Two gralefrits please"I reply smiling, she writes it down then I look over at John who is full on eyeing her from top to bottom. I kicked his leg under the table as she walks away.

He looks at me, bewildered then gets bumped into by the little waiter man. The man gasps, gets on his knees and grabs John's trousers.

"I'm sorry Mr Fawlty, I'm sorry Mr Fawlty"he whines pulling on John's trousers. Then Basil comes from the kitchen, picks the man up sideways then carries him back to the kitchen.

Then the waitress comes back with our food.
"I'm so sorry about him. Rough morning with the wife"she reassures while putting the plates down then leaving.
As we eat out gralefrit (which turns out to be grapefruit), Basil comes out again, I assume it's to ask us how the food is, he stomps up, grabs John's plate in one hand and mine in the other, and pours them down our laps.

"Don't bother reasoning with me now, you animals"Basil says in a stern tone making no eye contact. We both jump up at the action, John looking outraged as I felt my face burn with tears.

"No wait-!"the waitress comes back then covers her mouth. "Table 4 I said. Table 4"
We all look over at table 4 and notice an American couple who'd we'd heard complaining the whole time about anything and everything.

Basil turned and looked between John and I but before he could apologize I pushed my chair away and ran out the room and upstairs. I got to our door, unlocked it and ran in.

I looked for a reasonable comforting area to hide and settled of the corner part of the room which had a radiator plastered on the wall. I curled up, feeling the grapefruit juice soke through my T-shirt. 'What's the point? 'I thought.
'He's already ruined my mum's old jeans what difference is a Blondie band shirt'
As I closed my eyes, I heard the door open and close.

"Lyn?"John called softly, slowly approaching me. "Darling are you alright?"

His soft voice wasn't new to me but it felt different to listen to. I lift my head up, jumping slightly as I never realized how close he was, mere centimeters from my face.

"I just wanted this to be a fun trip to give you a break"I mutter, he took a seat next to me, opening his arms up. I took the offer and hugged closely to his chest, heating his heartbeat.
The slow rise of his chest and gentle thudding of his heart wasn't new to me either but it sounded nicer.

"Well I'm not crying about it but you are"he said making me laugh as he made some childish noises to "sound" like crying.

"Sorry"I reply snuggling closer, enjoying this exchange. Then John pulled back slightly but only to lift up my chin with his finger.

"Do not cry my child"he said in a posh tone. Then in that moment I looked into his eyes and saw a new side of John. A loveable man who was still single and missed being with someone.
I traced my eyes from his to his mouth then leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

His hand landed on the back of my neck, pulling me in for a more passionate kiss. Then we both pulled away for air, smiling in a dazed way at each other.

"Do you think it's within best friend law to shag?" john asked with a stupid smile.

"I should think so"I replied as we kissed again.

The End

A/N: Hi! Sorry it's quite long but if you have any other request don't be ashamed to DM me!
Hope you enjoyed ~ Olivia 🥰

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