Request - Zen ~ all Pythons technically

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Maddie's POV

"Breathe in, breathe out" I say watching John's soften, his eyes opened gently. He smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks Mads, I needed that" he says into my shoulder before pulling away and picking up his cup of coffee to finish it.

It was a cold rainy day today which was expect as we did decide to work in Scotland which is known for its atrocious weather. I stood up in my ill fitting dress and wandered over to where Carol was standing talking to the other girls.

"Oh hello Maddie just in time for filming. How's John?" she asks smiling at me as they others continue whatever conversation they were in.

"He's doing alright. Still slightly annoyed about the who's playing who scenario but other than that he says he will consider apologizing to Grae for calling him a bad king"I report back feeling like a parent.

The whole thing wouldn't have kicked off if Jonesy hadn't used John's head to make sure it'd fit Graham. I do still appreciate Mike and El's attempt to calm the situation while the American just stood there and watched.

"That's good then, as long as he doesn't decide to throw the chair he's currently sitting on there will be no chaos"Carol states at Terry walks over to us in his Bedivere costume.

"Yes, yes I would like it if you could go into the castle area where you were and and-"he started stuttering away as his nerves increased by longing gaze he was receiving from the other crew members.

"It's alright Jones, the other Terry showed us what to do earlier" Carol states and leads us all into the entrance way and up the stairs.

I stay behind, rub Terry's shoulder and smile at him. His expression changes from a worried one to a relaxed one and smiles back before going off to find the other Terry to talk about directing.

I tail behind the other actresses before being dragged ahead by Carol.

*30 minutes later*

"MaDdiE!" Eric whines once he finally succeeds in dragging me away from everyone else. I was leaning against a tree, hugging him close to me.

Some random dog walkers went past, flashing us bad looks and pushing me closer to screaming 'we're not shagging'.

"It's lunch break El so we can eat our lunch together"I say running my fingers through his hair, smiling at the happy noises he's making.

"Yes I suppose. Thanks for being here"he says pulling away and kissing my forehead before taking my hand and leading me over to where the sandwiches were being handed out.

"Mads would you like to join me in sitting against that tree over there it seems like good shelter if it rains again? "Michael asked as El went off to sit with the other Pythons but not before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Sure Mikey I'd love to"I smile taking a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee before following him.

Once we got there I sat against the tree trunk while Michael rested his head on my thighs, his knees bent up while he looked up at me smiling.

"You're such a good vibe Mads y'know that. Always bringing smiles where ever you go"Michael says taking crisps out of the bag on his lap and placing them in his mouth.

"I just want to keep Python going, since the amount of drama that you bitches cause I'm surprised you've not considered a split up like The Beatles"I laugh taking a sip of my coffee before placing it on the ground next to me.

"Nah they're good lads just very much themselves. We could never divorce" Michael says his eyes closing as he drifts asleep.

"No no no"I shout tapping Michael's forehead rapidly. "Days about done loverboy so just you wait till then"
He opens his eyes and let out a loose laugh.

"Typical of me to be married"he said reaching up his left arm and stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers.
I jokingly shove him which had enough impact to cause him to roll down my legs and continue down the small hill we were sat on.

I stood up and watched him till he got to the bottom and starfished, face down in the muddy grass. I ran down towards him, laughing hysterically while helping him stand up. His entire costume was covered with grass stains and mud.

"Are you okay?" I manage through giggles. His face was bright red as he laughed along with me. He noded before we heard American Terry Shouting around looking for us.

We run back up the hill and see his face light up then drop in an instant.

"What happened to the costume? "Terry asked pointing to Michael while we made our way to where he stood.

"He rolled down a hill. By accident"I say stifling a laugh. Terry sighs, covering his face with his hands.

"Mike you're needed for the next scene. Mads? "Terry starts, looking up at me. I nod as Michael let's go of my hand and walks over the the other Terry.

"Would you mind making me some coffee? You don't have to but if you're not doing anything"he says the anxiety visible on his face.

"Of course Terry"I say kissing his cheek before wandering over to the table and making coffee. One of the crew came over and stood next to me, I assume it was to get some snacks.

"You slut"he says before walking away to the other crew. I look back and watch him as he takes his usual stand next to the cameraman.

The comment swarmed around my head for a second before John came over to me with a concerned look.

"Are you alright, Mads?" he asked trying to work out who I'm looking at before his eyes catch the director's assistant who's looking at me smuggly.

John starts to walk towards him before I can stop him. I don't think he knows what happened but by the look of the assistant's face, which is laced with fear, I expect he said something threatening.

John then walks back over to me and hugs me. I hug him back, trying not to cry.

"What did you say John?" I ask as I pull away to look up at him. He smiles down at me before leaning down and kissing my head.

"Some thing that will blow his mind." he smiles, looking over at the other man and smiling widely. The assistant stood on the otherside of the cameraman and hid.

I giggled at the man before leaning my head back on John's chest.

"And you're not a slut. He is"John says laughing causing me to laugh as well.

And then the rain started.

"FUCK!" I heard Michael shout from far away as I notice him running behind the tree from earlier.

The End

A/N: I hope this is alright considering my lack of activity on this app.
Also I'm considering starting another book of shorts about other ppl but would anyone read it? If so pls say 😭

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! ~ Olivia 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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