Request~ Words Of Love - Eric

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Grace's POV:

Finally the rusty school bell rang and everyone got up from their desks in the dusty quiet English classroom. I quickly packed my books away along with my pencilcase and flung my satchel onto my shoulder, making a beeline towards the door.

I make my way down the two flights of stairs then along the corridor to the main entrance where I sat on the stoney wall outside, waiting on my best friend.

"Boo!" he shouts, grabbing my shoulders from behind before climbing over the wall and taking a seat. 

"Ugh! Eric you need stop doing that!" I say shoving him while we both laughed.

"You ready for an intense writing session?" he asks smiling as we both stood up and began walking out the school gates. I nod smiling.

"Mine or yours?" we say simultaneously, exchanging a laugh.

"What's your mum making for dinner?" Eric asks.

"Spag bol, you? "I reply, knowing how much he loves my mum's cooking.

"Uh pea soup"he says chuckling."your house is closer anyway!"

So we stroll down the road together, holding hands, in the direction of my house.

"Y'know something?" Eric starts just as we get to the little iron gate at the end of my garden. I hum, letting his hand go so I can open it up, he shuts it after himself.

"I've never held any other girls hand before"Eric chuckles reaching for mine again, we interlock our fingers.

"Really?" I say surprised. "After all those girlfriends you've had" I laugh.

"Ay!" he calls back as I hold the front door open for him, Eric takes his shoes off and hangs his black trench coat over the banister of the stairs.

"They were just friends, nothing more. Plus! That was in the institute so it doesn't count"he reasons.

"Ah yes, the all boys prison you were encased in"I reply slipping my shoes off and hanging my blazer up on the coat rack. Eric scowls as we go upstairs to my room.

I open the white door and sigh as I remember that I hadn't cleaned that morning before school.

"Turn around!" I shout as Eric instantly twists on the top step.

"What, what?!" he exclaims confused.

"Just give me a sec"I say hurriedly picking up my pyjamas from the floor and throwing them in my wardrobe. I kicked my stuffed toys under the bed and pulled the quilt up.

"Done"I say as I take my bag off, placing it at the end of my bed and take my notebook and pencilcase out.

I sit cross legged on my bed as Eric makes his way in and takes a seat next to me, bringing his notepad and pen out as well.

"And we begin"he announces sending the room into silence as well both scribble down a bunch of sketches.

*1 hour later*

"I'm spent" Eric announces flopping back and lying down with his legs hanging off the bed. We share a sigh as we drop our pencils, I cracked my knuckles then yawned.

"Do you want to go first?" I ask, making eye contact and noticing his eyes change.

"Ladies first"he replies an indefinite change in his usual tone while fiddling with his hands.

I cleared my throat then read out the sketch I'd written. It was about a man who bought a pair of shoes from a man who thought he was a shoe and treated the business like adoption.

Eric at first was confused but after reading it himself aloud, fell back holding his stomach laughing. I laugh along with him feeling proud of my work.

"Your turn!" I cheer making Eric giggle.

"You sure you don't want to try yours with acting?" he asks sitting up and fetching his notebook from next to him.

I skate my head. "Stop procrastinating! It doesn't suit you"I chuckle shoving his leg.

"Alright, alright"he says looking down at the page. 
"It's not much but-"
"Just read it El or I will"
"Okay! So there's a guy who takes his wife to a marriage guidance counselor"
I nod.
"The counselor is asking for names but is clearly showing excessive amounts of interest in the man's wife and then they make out. The counselor and wife I mean and they basically-"Eric clears his throat.

I lean towards him, ushering him to continue.
"They um have a quicky behind a conveniently placed room divider" he says pulling a face of anticipation awaiting my reaction.

I laugh quietly nodding.

"You aren't saying anything? Is it bad?" Eric asks making me laugh even more until I'm full on wheezing.

"I never said that!" I say continuing to laugh. "God what's up with you today? You've been acting weird since we got to the house! "I say as my mum opens the door, carrying an armful of washing.

"Oh hello Eric! Lovely to see you! "My mum says smiling.

"Hello Mrs Andrews"Eric replies smiling sweetly.

"Staying for tea?"my mum asks opening my wardrobe and hanging up my freshly washed jeans. Eric looks over at me and I nod frantically.

"Yes please"he says making my mum laugh.

"Good I'm making lasagna"she says making Eric's eyes light up. "I'll leave you two lovebirds"and with that she closes the door and leaves.

As soon as she closes the door, Eric leans over and kiss my lips lightly, placing one hand on my cheek. I don't kiss back at first but soon give in.

We pull away for air and I notice how red Eric's face had become. Before I could protest he started to sniffle.

"El are you alright? "I say placing my hand on his knee. I hated seeing him cry sa he was the happiest person I know.

"I'm so sorry Grace I wasn't thinking. Well I mean I was but-"he started rambling but I cut him off with another kiss, this one much more passionate.

We pull away and I pull him into a hug, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I love you El"I say quietly into his soft fluffy hair. He raises his head, a look of bliss spread across his eyes.

"Really?"he asks obtaining eye contact.

"Yes! God you're such a lovable guy! Your kind and cute and polite and ideal!" I reply laughing at his innocence.

"Well I love you too"he says pulling me back in for a hug, this time I took the opportunity to stroke his soft fluffy hair, giving me nostalgia from when we were kids and I used to try and braid it at any cost.

We soon heard my mum calling us from downstairs which made us both jolt out of our embrace. We laughed it off and left my bedroom holding hands until we reach the closed door of the dining room which we both agreed was a valid ending point of affection.

As we were both happily eating away my mum decides to break the silence.

"What do you do upstairs anyway? Just writing?"

We both exchange a look and nod back at her.

The End

A/N: hopefully that was alright even for a day overdue 😮‍💨
Hope you enjoyed and feel free to request me ideas! ~ Olivia 🥰

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