0 1 Émeline

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Who would of thought that silence could be so depressing. Most people find the silence peaceful and tranquil but after something in their life that has been important to them has been taken away anything linked to it could become saddened.

I sit in the warm sun on the balcony of my apartment in my hometown in France. I was raised in France most of my life and only lived in Italy for about three years, which is where I met my best friend Victoria.

I sip on a glass of lemonade taking in the warm beginning of summer heat, it is early June and it has been about three months since my mother died. Apart from my brother, who moved away after the tragedy, she was my only company because I never really knew my father.

She told me that he was born in Italy and moved to France to be with my mother, Jeannine.  He wanted a boy and when I was born and he found out that I was a girl he left. 

He seemed like an ass anyway.

I grab a small glass bottle of yellow nail polish, opening the top and watching the yellow liquid come off on the brush.  I focus and try to stay in the lines of my nail, the yellow polish brushes on my nail leaving a half perfect job.

Finishing them I apply a top coat and wait for them to dry, it was too quiet in France, I needed commotion and excitement and I was completely abandoned without any company to do it with.

Of course, I used my alone time to do stuff that I am interested in.  I painted, I even had a whole room in my apartment dedicated to my artwork, just a plain room with a drop cloth covers in my art.

I sung, which was something I also enjoyed doing in my spare time, I could play the guitar start to Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac perfectly and sing to it even better.

I also had a kitten that I adopted, Demi is a small kitten that I found by a floral shop near my apartment.  He jumps up on to my lap and tries to get me to pet him by rubbing against my hand.

I quickly shove him off me and check my nails to see if Demi smudged anything. My thoughts were interrupted with a call from a contact that I talked to a lot after my mother passed, I pick up the phone and press it up to my ear.

"Victoria?" I ask, because I am usually the one to call her first.

"Émeline I have an idea"

____1 hour earlier (Victoria POV)____

"Why did Thomas have to leave now!" Damiano says to himself, frustrated he runs his fingers through his hair. Ethan is seated on the couch with his face in his hands.

"His father is sick Damiano, there is nothing we can do" I sigh, I try to comfort him by placing my hand on his shoulder.

"we are going on tour in a week and we have no guitar player, I sing, Vic you have bass and Ethan has drums." Damiano rants "we have no guitar player"

"We can't cancel the tour, it's our first tour after Eurovision we can't not do it" Ethan protests, his hair was in a bun and he seems very frustrated just like the rest of us.

"I know. But if we can't get another guitar player by tomorrow then we have to" Damiano sighs.

It is unfortunate that's for sure, after winning Eurovision cancelling our first tour ever would put a bad name on us and all of Italy. We need a new guitar player that can cope with us and quickly learn the notes.

None of us could do both and we need someone ASAP.


"Holy Shit guys I think I have an answer" I jump up from the couch beside Damiano and Ethan, they both look up at me with wide eyes waiting for my idea that could save the tour.

"Hear me out. I have a best friend in France you may of heard me talk about her before, Émeline?" I ask in a very excited tone.

"Yeah what about her?" Ethan says, looking up at me like there was a tiny bit of hope that we wouldn't have to cancel our plans on tour.

"Well her mother just passed away and that was the only person she really had as company in her life. She is lonely and bored up in France and needs some excitement in her life. And, she plays guitar!" I shout.

Ethan's eyes light up just like the moment we found out we won Eurovision.

Damiano jumps out of his seat with astonishment, and looks at me like he didn't believe what I was saying.

"So we don't have to cancel?!" Damiano asks.

"Not if we can get her here and she agrees!" I gleefully answer him, Ethan has a huge smile plastered on his face and Damiano just looks astonished.

"Well what are you waiting for, call her!" Ethan shouts, you would think that he is the shy quiet type but when he is with people he is comfortable with he can be the most fun you will ever have.

"Ok! Ok!" I quickly reach for my phone, fumbling to find Émeline's contact I tap on it quicker then you could imagine. The phone rings twice before I hear her voice in the phone "Victoria?" She says confused.

"Émeline I have an an idea"

______Present (Émeline POV)______

"So Vic. Let me get this straight. You want me to come all the way to Italy and play guitar for your band whom I haven't even met. On tour. In front of thousands of people, even though I have major stage fright, and you want me there possibly by tomorrow?" I ask completely confounded.

"Yep" is all that she answers back like it's completely normal to ask you friend to spontaneously travel to a different country to go on tour with her band.

I had to admit, their music was pretty good but I have only heard a few of their songs and don't even know what the other band members looked like or what their personality was like.

I was just thinking on how I needed some excitement in life and I needed to be with people and do spontaneous things. And this is my chance to do it. A flight from France to Italy was only about 1 hour and 40 minutes which would be easy to handle.

"Well, I guess so" I laugh "see you tomorrow Vic"

I can hear her scream from the other end of the phone, she sounded so excited and I am too. Even though I have the worst stage fright in the world this will be good for me. I can tell my children that I went on tour with Måneskin.

I hang up the phone and decide to go and pack for the trip, Victoria said that she would cover tickets and that she would have it bought by morning.

Good for me when you have nothing to do you go shopping a lot and I had just bought almost a whole new wardrobe which I would try to fit into my suitcase.

Luckily I only needed two bags to fit all my important things in, one for clothes and necessities and the other for my guitar equipment. My artwork can stay at home, it's not like I would have time to paint or sketch during tour.

I still can't believe that this is actually happening, I run my fingers through my hair. Getting up I look in the mirror, in a little less then a week I'll be on stage in front of thousands of people and the thought of that could make anyone in awe.

Slipping off my jeans and top and into an old Nirvana tee that used to be my brothers. Even though I hated his guts for leaving I still liked his shirt. The lights shut off and I am left in the darkness surrounded by the soft sheets of my bed and I am left in silence.

By tomorrow I will be in a whole new country.

Holy shit, this is going to change my life.

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