The Chase Begins

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Lee Seok POV

The older I get, the more I miss the woman whom I threw away without even thinking about the consequences of my action. The one woman who knew me better than I knew myself. The woman who challenged my bad-boy ways and my intellect every chance she got.

For the past two months, the painful image of Y/N walking out of my life two years after I abruptly ended our four-year relationship has been haunting my dreams every night. You see, at the time I thought that Y/N was holding me back from being wild and free like the rest of my friends. I wanted to be free, or at least that's what I thought I needed. Right at this moment, I knew that I had made a mistake.

“Babe, am I not pleasing you the way that you want?” Suni, my current girlfriend, asked me while she kneeled in front of me with my half-limp member in her hand. I gently pushed her away from me when my cell phone began to ring.

“I've found her.” My best friend Yoo Sung-ho said as soon as I answered the phone. He took over his parent's investigative business a few years ago along with his younger brother Ji-Hyun.

“Where is she, Sung-ho?”

“Where is who?” Suni demanded.

“I'll meet you at the airport in two hours…” I was saying when she snatched my phone out of my hand.

“I know damn well you're not talking about finding another bitch in front of me.” She snapped while poking me in my chest with her free hand.

“Give me my damn phone!” I demanded with my hand stretched out in front of me.

“Not until you tell me who's the bitch you're looking for, Seok.”

“You see, this is the shit that I was talking to you about the other day. You're always thinking that I'm out here running behind some chicken-headed woman, when I'm not."

“That's because you always are, Seok.”

“I'm not having this conversation with you right now, Suni. I have to go home and pack so that I can be at the airport in two hours.” I wrestled my phone out of her hand before She had the chance to go through the call list.

“Then I'm coming with you.” Suni blurts out.

“Like hell you are. I don't need your jealous ass ruining things for me like you always do!”

“Either I leave with you or I follow you to wherever you're going.” She states in a serious voice.

“Do you trust me?” I asked Suni with my back to her.

“No, I don't.”

“If you don't trust me to be faithful to you when I'm out of your sight, then why are we even together?” I asked, finally turning to face her.

“I don't know. I've been asking myself that very same question for almost a whole year. The only answer I've been able to come up with is because I love your stupid, cheating ass.”

“How does loving someone and not trusting them work in a relationship, Suni?”

“I guess the same way as loving someone and cheating on them does.” She slings back at me. “Don't you dare stand here and act like you didn't play a part in breaking that trust. I caught you laid up in our bed screwing the fuck out of your sister's best friend on the very same day you purposed to me.”

“Dammit, woman, are you still holding the mistake that I made over a year ago against me?”

“You're damn right, I am, especially since you won't tell me who this mystery woman you're chasing after is.”

“I don't have time for this bull crap today. You can either trust me to be faithful or we can just end our relationship right here, right now. The decision is up to you, Suni.”

“Well, I guess this is the end for us.” She replied then walked out of my office. Suni's decision to end our relationship didn't bother me one bit because I knew that she wouldn't stay away from me for too long. She and all my exes always came running back to me eventually. They could never resist my charming good looks or my sweet talker tendencies. Well, except the most important one. Hell, she hasn't even tried to contact me at all. I kept my phone number the same all these years for that very reason.

“Jody, I'll be out of the office for the rest of the day. I need you to reschedule my two o'clock meeting with Mr. César Fontaine for one day this week.” I tell my secretary before walking towards the elevator.

“Yes, Sir.” I hear her reply before the elevator door closes all the way.

Time Skip…

I walked out of my house an hour and a half later with my luggage bags in my hands and my cell phone perched to my ear.

“Ji-Hoon, I need you to come with me to meet Y/N,” I say into the phone as soon as he says hello.

“Why all of a sudden do you want to see her, and why do you need me to go with you, Seok?”

“I'm going to see her because I miss her. I taking you with me because You're probably the only person I know that can convince her to give me another chance,” I replied while placing my luggage on the back seat of my silver Camaro.

“Are you going to stop seeing all the other women you're dating for her, Seok?”

“Why should I do that, it's not like we're going to get married…” I was saying when Ji-Hoon angrily blurts out, “If you're not willing to be faithful to Y/N and treat her with respect, then you should just leave her alone.”

“I can't do that, Ji-Hoon. Now, are you going to help me get my girl back or not?”

“First of all, Y/N isn't your girl. You lost the right to claim her as yours when you decided that you didn't want to be in a relationship with her anymore a few years ago. Secondly, She's a grown-ass woman that deserves way more than you're offering her. Most importantly, I'm not going to help you turn her life upside down again just because you miss her.” He replied before ending the call abruptly.

“I guess I'll have to think of another way to get her to come back to me on my own," I grumbled to myself as I got behind the steering wheel.

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