Special Disclaimer

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Hello to all my readers this book is a special request from one of my followers. She asked me to use Lee Jong-suk as one of my main lead characters and Y/N as the other.

For those of you who don't know what Y/N stands for it means you get to imagine whomever, you want the female lead character to be. you could even substitute yourself as the leading female character if you wanted.

Special Disclaimer Section

This story is not intended to resemble anything in the past or present. It is purely a fictional story that I have made up. Even though I am using the face of real people in this story what happens in it doesn't reflect how these people are or act in real life. I say again this is a made-up story from my wild imagination. Some of you might be wondering why I am writing this in this disclaimer its because I've read comments on other people's stories where the readers didn't like that the author used real people in their books.

The made-up character names, colleges, towns, story plots, etc belong to me.  Please don't steal, copy, rework or try to claim my work as yours.

All the pictures I am going to be using in this book do not belong to me. They belong to their original owner.

There will be some foul language used in this book. It may not be much but just know that there will be some. Please vote, comment, and share with anyone that you think will enjoy reading this book. now that I've gotten that off my chest I hope that you guys enjoy reading Second Chances.


This book will have slow updates for the time being.

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