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“You should have let me handle your lightweight for you, Y/N. I bet you won't have
to worry about seeing Seok's sorry ass again.” Jordan said to me after she and I walked into the living room.

“You were just complaining this morning about me getting you in trouble now look at you about to land your own ass in jail without my help,” I replied.

“Beating your selfish ex ass would be well worth going to jail this time.” Jordan blurts out with a smile on her face.

“He does deserve to be taught a lesson for all the pain that he's put me through.”

“It's still not too late for me to go teach him that lesson for you. Especially not since his crazy ass is still outside banging on our front door like he's the fucking police.” Jordan angrily sneers.

“Stop Jordan!” I yelled at the same time, grabbing her by the right hand. “I might need to save that favor for a later date.”

“Alright, just let me know when,” Jordan replied, then sat on the sofa in between the twins.

“Mommy, who was that man?” Sanjay asked me with a puzzled look on his face.

“You guys crazy-ass real…” 

“Nobody honey.” I blurted out before Jordan could finish her sentence.

“He's scary Mommy,” Seiji says. 

“I bet he's not scarier than me,” Jordan replied.

“Tee-tee, you're not scary at all.” Both Seiji and Sanjay say simultaneously.

“Is that right?” Jordan asked the twins, then began to tickle them.

“Jordan, When you three get finished playing around, please clean up this living room,” I tell her before heading upstairs to get dressed for the evening shift at Roche's Lounge and Bar. During the daytime, I attended “CPCC” California Preparatory Community College to get my paralegal license. 

My cellphone just as I was about to hop into the shower. “Have Seok shown up there yet?” Ji-Hoon asked me as soon as I answered the phone.

“Yeah,” I replied after hanging my work uniform on the hook on the outside of the shower door.

“How did things go between you guys?” Ji-Hoon then asked me.

I place the phone on speaker and laid it On the counter before saying, “How do you think things went between Seok and me?”

“Was it that bad, Y/N?”

“He and Yung-ho almost got their asses handed to them on a platter if I hadn't stopped Jordan from putting her hands on them.”

“Y/N are we talking about the same Jordan that I met at the hospital when we found out you were pregnant?” 

“Yeah,” I replied while pulling my hair up into a ponytail on top of my head.

“You're talking about sweet and tiny Jordan.” 

“Yes, I'm talking about her. Why is that so hard for you to believe, Ji-Hoon?” 

“Because she doesn't look like she would harm a fly, let alone two grown-ass men,” Ji-Hoon states with disbelief in his voice.

“Looks and first impressions can be deceiving, Ji-Hoon,” I utter before turning on the hot and cold water in the shower. “I'll call you back as soon as I finish getting dressed for work.” I then tell him.

“Alright.” He replied before ending the call.  

I stood at the sink, brushing my teeth and thinking how lucky I am to have Ji-Hoon in my life and as a friend. I don't know how I would have gotten through these past few years if I didn't have him to talk to and to lean on for moral support. He's been there for me every day since I walked out of Seok's house and boarded a plane heading to San Diego, California, where my best friend was. 

The reality that Seok really didn't love me anymore became clear as day when I hadn't received a text or a phone call from him in the two months we were apart. The following week, I began to struggle with the truth that the man whom I gave my heart to threw it away like it was a worthless piece of trash and never looked back. 

Two days later, Ji-Hoon few into town after Jordan called him in a panic state when I lost my appetite and wasn't sleeping well. That same day, the two of them rushed me to the hospital when passed out. That's when we found out that I was nearly three months pregnant. He begged me to let him call Seok and give him the news about me being pregnant with his child, but I threatened him that if he did, I would cut off all communication with him and would disappear. 

For a whole month, Ji-Hoon and I argued over this matter whenever we talked to each other on the phone. The two weeks I ignored his call, he sent me a text message saying that he would agree to my wish, but only if I kept him informed on everything that was going on with me and my pregnancy. 

Every week after that either he called me to see how I was doing or I called him just to talk to him. He was at the hospital with me when I gave birth to the twins. He and Jordan helped me to name them. Ji-Hoon came up with Seiji's name, and Jordan named Sanjay. Every year on the twin's and my birthday, he flew into town to see us. I felt just as close to Ji-Hoon as I did Jordan. I knew that I could depend on both of them to have my back, no matter what happened between Seok and me.

“If you don't hurry up and come out of the bathroom, you're going to be late for work again.” I hear Jordan say from the other side of the bathroom door. 

“Damn it, I spent too much time reliving the past.” I grumbled to myself, then says, “Thanks, Jordan.” 

“I heard that.” Jordan calls out then says, “I already knew that you were in there thinking about your crazy ass ex because that's the only time you stay in the damn bathroom so long.”

“Are Seok and Yung-ho still downstairs, banging on our front door?” I asked while hopping into the shower.

“No, I called the police and told them that I have a crazy-ass stalker banging on my front door.” She snickers.

“Jordan, did you really do that?” I yelled out over the running water.

“No, but I wanted to.” 

“Well why didn't you?” I asked.

“Because they left before I could find my damn cell phone.” She replied, then said, “I'm heading back downstairs to the living room where Sanjay and Seiji are before they mess it up again."

I finished showering, then let my hair down out of the ponytail I had put it in. I put on my lite blue-button work shirt, black slack, and black stilettos after applying a light application of makeup on my face. Next, I texted Ji-Hoon and told him I would call him as soon as I got off work before walking out of my room.

What do you guys feel about Y/N and Ji-Hoon's friendship?

What are your thoughts about her choosing to keep Seok in the dark about him being a father?

What are your thoughts about Ji-Hoon's decision to go along with her plan?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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