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Y/N's POV...

Two years earlier...

"So you're just going to break up with me without giving me a reason why or tell me what I've done to make you want to end things abruptly, Seok?"

"All I can say is that you've done nothing wrong, Y/N."

"If I haven't done anything wrong, then it must be you who has done something, and you think I won't forgive you for whatever it is!"

"I haven't done anything either for you to forgive me for. I just think that our relationship has run its course."

"Fine, if that's the way you feel, just give me an hour to pack my things, and I'll leave, Seok."

"So you're just going to leave just like that. You're not even going to put up a fight for our relationship?"

"Why would I? You just said that you don't want to be with me anymore, so I see no need to fight for a relationship that you don't want to be in." I say to the man whom I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked out of the living room and up the stairs to our bedroom.

I stood leaning up against the other side of the bedroom door, crying my eyes out for I don't know how long. My heart felt like it had broken into several thousand tiny pieces, and my head was throbbing like crazy. "He doesn't want you here, so you shouldn't fight to stay here!" I told myself hoping that it would help me pack up my things a bit easier and faster, but it didn't.

"Are you really going to leave without trying to convince me to give us another chance?" Seok asked me as soon as he walked into the bedroom.

"If you had any thought of wanting to make things work between us, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now," I replied while stuffing my clothes into a third luggage tote. "I'll send for the rest of my things later."

"Your actions right now are letting me know that you either didn't love me at all, or you know that this is the best thing for us."

"Believe whatever you want to believe if that's going to help ease your guilt for the shitty way that you've chosen to end our relationship. I know that you want to end our four-year relationship because you are envious of your friends being single. You hate that you're not free to go out and party every other weekend with them. Now here's your chance, Seok." I picked up my luggage and walked out of the room with my cell phone perched to my ear.

"Who are you calling at this time of night, Y/N?"

"Who I call and who I talk to from no on are no longer your concerns."

"It is while you're still in my house!"

"I won't be here for much longer." I sneered, then sat down on the sofa and waited on his best friend Kim Ji-Hoon to come take me to the airport.

"I'm not doing this because I want to be single like my friends. I just need a little time and space to figure out what I want in life..." Seok was saying when I plugged my iPods into my ear and turned on "Ain't About You" by Wonho.

"What are you doing here, Ji-Hoon?" Seok asked as soon as he opened his front door and saw his best friend standing on the other side of it.

"I called him to come pick me up," I answered before Ji-Hoon could reply.

"She's not going anywhere with you!" Seok yelled while roughly grabbing me by my left wrist.

"Like hell, I'm not." I snapped back then snatched my wrist out of his hand.

"So you're just going to leave with my best friend like that, Y/N?"

"Tuddles," I replied, then walked out the front door with my head held high and my heart in shambles.

"I'm sorry, Seok," Ji-Hoon says, then picked up my luggage and walked out the door behind me. "Are you sure that you want to leave with things the way they are between you and Seok?" He asked me after placing my luggage on the back seat and getting behind the steering wheel.

"He wanted his freedom, Ji-Hoon, so I'm giving it to him."

"He might have said that Y/N, but I'm certain that's not what he wanted. You know how hotheaded and stubborn Seok can be sometimes."

"I'm done talking about this Ji-Hoon! If you're going to continue with this useless discussion, then you can let me out of this car right now, and I'll just find another way to the airport."

"Dammit, Y/N, you and Seok are being stubborn as a mule. If you're sure that this is what you want to do, I'll just sit here and mind my own business while driving you to the airport."

Present Day San Diego, Ca ... Jan 6, 2022

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" Ji-Hoon snapped into the receiver as soon as the call connected.

"What's so urgent for you to be calling and snapping at me so early in the damn morning, Ji-Hoon?" I asked instead of answering his question.

"Seok has found out your location, and he's on his way there to see you..." I hear him say minutes before panic sets in.

"When did he leave out?" I asked him as I hopped out of bed and walked out of my bedroom.

"Late last night. He should be arriving at your house very soon."

"Dammit, Ji-Hoon, why are you just now calling and telling me this?"

"I've been calling you ever since I found out last night." He replied, then said, "You need to figure out what you're going to tell him about the twins and quick."

"I'll call you back as soon as I figure something out," I tell him.

"Wake up, Jordan," I hastily called out at the same time I snatched open her bedroom door in a frantic state.

"Bitch, why are you yelling at me so early in the damn morning?" Jordan groggily asked as she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes.

"I need your help," I reply in a sweet voice.

"Whatever you're fixing to ask me to do, the answer is hell to the nah, Y/N."

"How can you say no so easily when you don't even know what I'm going to ask you, Jordan?"

"Because I know whatever it is, I'm about to land my ass in a world of trouble. I always do when dealing with you Y/N."

"I promise you this time you won't get in any trouble, Jordan. If you do me this one favor, I'll do whatever you want for the next six months."

"I want to know what this favor is before I commit to doing it." She replied with her right eye raised at me.

"It has something to do with my Seok..."

"I'll do it." Jordan blurts out before I could finish telling her what I needed her help with.

What do you guys think about this chapter?

How do you like Y/N so far?

Do you think that she did the correct thing in leaving like that?

Please vote and share with your family and friends. Please try your best to stay safe out here in this crazy world. I hope and pray that my writing gives you guys a moment of relaxation from all the drama that is happening all around us.

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