The Cold Shoulder

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Seok POV…

All the confidence I had in what I was going to say to Y/N to get her to come back to me vanished the moment Yung-ho pulled into her driveway and cut off the engine. I stood on the other side of the door in front of her house. Not only was I beginning to second guess my reason for being here, but I was also beginning to think that I had gone insane for running after a woman that I had dumped a few years ago.

Was I ready to give up the life that I'd come accustomed to just to be with her and her only for the rest of my life?  Am I willing to stop going out and partying with my friends whenever I want? I knew for sure that I wasn't ready to give up dating whomever I wanted and whenever I felt like it, just for a simple life with Y/N. That part of my life was definitely off the table for discussion, at least for the time being anyway.

“Sung-ho, are you sure this is the correct address?” I asked while trying to make up an excuse as to why I wasn't ringing the doorbell if he were to ask me.

“Dammit, Seok, are you standing here questioning my ability to do what my father has trained me to do ever since I was knee-high to a duck.” Yung-ho angrily asked me right before reaching around me and ringing the doorbell.

“I wasn't doubting your ability to find Y/N…” I was saying when the front door swung open. A beautiful, tall, dark skin woman stood on the other side of the door glaring at me with a cold glint in her eyes.

“May I help you?” She asked in a cold and uninviting voice that matched her facial expression perfectly.

“I'm… I'm…” I stuttered.

“We're here to see Y/N,” Yung-ho interjected when he saw that I was having problems getting my words together.

“Who the fuck is Y/N?” The lady asked in the same uncaring voice.

“I'm sorry to bother you, Ms. I think my friend and I came to the wrong address…” I was saying when Sung-ho blurts out, “Seok, this is the right address!” He looked the woman in her eyes, then asked, “Are you, Ms. Jordan Westbrook?”

“I don't know, am I.” She sarcastically replied while giving me the evil eye. “Even if I am, what's it to you, and what do I have to do with this Y/N person you were just asking me about?”

“I know that you're Y/N's best friend and that you two are staying here together,” Yung-ho replied.

“I will neither confirm nor deny your statement. What I will say is that I find it rude for you and your friend to just show up at my house unannounced, asking who I am.” She sneered, then tried to close the door in our faces.

“I tried to tell my friend that, but he wouldn't listen to me,” Yung-ho says just as he stuck his front in the door to keep it from closing.

“Umm, sir, you better move your feet out of my door before I break it!” She spat while glaring at Yung-ho's foot, then back up at the two of us.

“Not until my friend and I speak to Y/N!” 

“Well, that's your foot, not mine.” The lady says before lifting her feet off the floor.

“Seok, why are you here?” Y/N snapped at me after rounding the corner.

“Can we go somewhere private and talk?”

“No! Whatever you have to say to me, you can say right here in front of Yung-ho and Jordan.”

“Please, Y/N, let's not do this right here in front of our friends.” 

“I am not your friend and never will be for the way you treated my best friend. You're lucky that I didn't hit you across the head with something the moment I laid my eyes on you.” This Jordan chic snaps at me.

“You can say what you came here to say now, or you can leave without saying a damn word,” Y/N says with her hands planted firmly on her hips.

“Do you ever think about me, Y/N?”

“Why would I, Seok?” She asked with an annoyed look on her face.

“Just answer my question, Y/N, please.” 

“Heck Nah. What was there for me to miss anyway?  As a matter of fact, the day I left you, I finally realized that you and I weren't a good fit. You and I are from two different worlds. You liked living on the wild side with no responsibility, while I on the other hand need structure and stability in my life. I want no part of your crazy and wild world, Seok.” 

“Are you saying the day you walked out of my life you haven't regretted it, not once?” I asked, feeling a bit hurt by her response.

“That's a very twisted way of thinking you have there, Seok. I didn't walk out on you because I wanted to. You broke up with me. The night I left your house, you didn't put up much of an effort to stop me.” Y/N roared.

“Calm down, Y/N.” Yung-ho pleaded after he placed himself in between the two of us as a barrier. 

“How in the fuck do you expect me to calm down after the two of you show up to our house unannounced asking me if I miss the asshole that broke up with me, Sung-ho?”

“Dammit, Y/N, I want you back.” I finally confessed.

“Well, that's too bad because I don't want you back, Seok!” Y/N angrily spat just as two twin boys rounded the corner, rubbing their eyes. One was wearing a yellow and blue balloon-printed pajama set, while the other one had on an all-green pajama set. They stood behind Y/N and Jordan, peering at Yung-ho and me with fear in their eyes.

“Y/N, whose kids are these?” I asked as I looked at the two boys, then back over to her.

“None of your damn business!” Jordan snarled, then slammed the door in Yung-ho and my face.

“Seok, maybe you should let her calm down a bit,” Yung-ho says to me when I began to pound on the front door and ring the doorbell at the same time.

“I need to talk to her now!” I growled, then proceeded to beat on the door with my fist as hard as I could.

“No, you'll talk to Y/N tomorrow when the both of you have calmed down and are ready to talk to each other like two sensible adults.” He says while grabbing me by my right arm and pulling me toward his car.

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