April - Never knew being inlove could be this dangerous

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Amelia's POV

I had not slept all night. My mind was so busy thinking about Jas. My eyes were bloodshot. My body was numb. All I could do was just imagine how scared Jas must be right now and wonder who was this girl that she was with, who was the girl that made my nightmare turn into a reality.

I heard my mom come in last night at around two or three in the morning. She really has been working extra lately and this news is going to add even more stress if she finds out.

"Amelia sweetheart... Are you awa- Oh my gosh, are you okay?" she rushed to me looking at me like I would disappear right in front of her if she even dared to blink.

My eyes filled up with tears and I began to sob. This is one of the worst things ever. How could I allow this to happen? Why didn't I question her about where she was going? She is my best friend, and I didn't even bother.

My mom held me in her arms for what seemed like hours. After I composed myself and got my thoughts together, I pulled away.

"Amelia, what is going on?"

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by a phone ringing. Looking over to my bed I noticed it was mine. I tensed up as I watched the caller ID.

"Are you going to take it ? It's Jas." I looked at my mom. Then I looked at the phone and slowly picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Ah, Amelia I thought maybe you were still asleep. Did you get your beauty sleep?" my mom looked at the phone in confusion realizing that the person on the other line was not Jas.

"Cut with the crap. Where is Jas!" I shouted but my voice was hoarse.

"Ah look, she's just about waking up."

And finally, I heard her the voice I've been waiting to hear.

"Mia.... Mia I'm so sorry. I should've told you. I left you in the dark and look where I ended up. I'm so sorry."

"Jas it's okay. You're gonna be okay. It's not your fault. You didn't know that you were hanging with some psycho little bi-"

" Okay. Okay, that's enough of that. And Amelia, I warned you."

"What do you want from me!" tears were now falling from my eyes my voice practically gone.

"Oh, that's easy. Jas duh. I thought that was a little bit obvious... Was I not clear on that Amelia?" she said in such an innocent voice. I heard a muffled cry in the background and immediately knew it was Jas. My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Who are you?"

" I haven't formally introduced myself. How rude of me. My name is Alexandra."

Jasmine's POV

As soon as she said her name, she hanged up the phone knowing the effect that it would have had on Amelia.

"Why are you doing this? Is it just revenge? You aren't even asking for anything... You're just torturing her." She simply ignored me like I wasn't even there and left the room slamming the door causing me to flinch.

The floor beneath me was cold as ice. The place around me foreign. I looked around me to see if anything caught my eye, sadly nothing did. Suddenly the door opened again. Out came out the woman of the day.

"Here eat up." She came up behind me and untied me, placed a fork on my lap and a cup of water.

I looked at the food suspiciously. "I didn't do anything to eat. I'm not a monster." And that, ladies and gentlemen is a matter of opinion.

"Your friend really cares about you. Let's just see to what extent." She chuckled and walked away.

I slowly ate the meal in front of me. And you must be thinking, Jas, why would you eat food from the she-devil? Well, you see I haven't eaten in 24 hours and at this point my tummy was feeling the silence all on its own in this room. And let me tell you I prayed through every bite I took of that meal.

When I was done with the food. I stood up and looked around a little more than I could've before. I noticed a little window. I peeked through it and noticed I could see the driveway from here which looked familiar, parked there was Alex's car which means this must be her house. I've only been to her house once and didn't even stay for that long. She forgot something that day and we drove here to quickly get it. Who would've thought my girlfriend would turn into my kidnapper.

I mean she was a little bit overprotective. Hated whenever I talked about or to any other girls, especially Mia. But so many people are like that I wouldn't expect her to kidnap me.

I heard a groan coming from behind the door and quickly rushed back to where I sat before.

"Did you enjoy it?" I ignored her and she picked up my stuff off the floor. As she was about to leave, I charged towards her and tackled her. She was quick and fought back. She held me down as she tried to take something from her pocket. I used my feet to try to get her off me, I got on top of her again and tried to choke her until I felt the slightest jab. My body felt weak again. She pushed my off her and stood up.

"Gosh, you little bi-." And darkness filled my sight once again.

Amelia's POV


The name etched to every inch of my brain. I got a name, but I was still clueless to who she was.

"Amelia, what is going on! And who is Alexandra?" My mom brought me back to realization.

"I wish I knew." I said as more tears trickled down my face.

My dad rushed into the room looking at my mom then looking at me.

"What's going on? Is everything okay." He searched my face for any answers but all I could do was cry.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" 

Honey it's -." I knew my dad would do anything right now to distract my mom from telling the truth. So knowing what I had to do, I told her.

" Mom. Jasmine's been kidnapped."

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