April - Mom... I'm Gay.

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My mom stared at me like I had two heads.
" What do you mean she's been kidnapped?" She asked. This was going to be such a long day.

"  Yesterday, Jas never came home. Then later on we got a call from this person.... Who's name is apparently Alexandra. She's this girl that Jas has been seeing secretly." My mom's face just got more and more confused as I continued.

"Seeing..... Is Jas..?" 

"Yes, yes she is." 

"Oh.... well that sums it up." It was now my turn to look at her all confused. 

"Never mind that . What happened next?" 

"She told us that she had Jas and we needed to cooperate with her if I wanted to see her again." 

"Do you know this Alexandra? And have you told this to Jasmine's mom?" 

"No, I actually don't know an Alexandra. There isn't any Alexandra at my school. And I haven't told Jas' mom. It all happened so quick and I was in shock." my mom nodded and looked like she was deep in thought. She was relatively calm about this situation. I expected a little more of a reaction than this.  

"Here's what we're going to do. We are all going to act as normal as we can. Amelia I need you to go to Isabelle's house and tell her what's going on. And keep her as calm as possible. I'm already running late for work. But you two can try to dig up any information on this girl. I gotta go. I'll see you." she said and then left.  I turned to my dad who offered me a soft smile and gave me a hug.

"You'll get through this Mia. Don't worry. Jas is a strong girl she'll be fine." I nodded my head but could only think. What if Jas is not strong enough to handle what has been thrown at her. 

Two Hours Later 

I showered and go my stuff together. Collected my thoughts and and had breakfast and was finally ready to go to Jas' house. 

On my way to the house all I could think about was how I would possibly explain this to Jas' mom. Walking up to the house I noticed that there was a unfamiliar car parked in front of it.  Peeping  through the side window I saw Ms. Cole speaking with a girl with red hair ... and JAS ! 

 and JAS ! 

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