March- The twist on things

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"The results are not good."

Those words stayed would stay in my mind for a very long time. You know, no one  really knows what the future actually holds. We could be here one minute and gone the next.

" What do you mean mom." My mom is a nurse at our local hospital. I remember her always being there to take care of me whenever I was sick when I was younger.

"This sickness, it's deadly sweetie. People have been dying from it in other parts of the world and well, no one really knows how to cure it. It just appeared out nowhere. Some really big medical people have started trying to get it under control, but they cannot even begin to understand this strain of virus. It is nothing like the ones they have seen. The government is looking into closing the state down before it spreads out, which it most likely will given its patterns. Anyone who is in contact with someone who has the virus is most likely to get it." My mom spoke and all I could think was oh my gosh what is happening.

"Close down the state...? What do you mean?"

" They are thinking of closing the schools first. So, you would be staying home."

"Wow... This thing sounds really serious. I better call Jas."

I felt like my head was spinning. It was from one bombshell to another. I just found out my best friend is gay and now there's this deadly virus that no one seems to know how to control. Wow. That's some movie type of stuff right there.

I heard a phone ringing which brought me back to reality. I picked it up noticing it was Jas, and perfect timing too.

"Mia! Oh my gosh. Have you seen the news? They're closing down school because of this virus. This is crazy." She literally yelled.

"Haven't watched the news but my mom just told me. Yes, it is crazy and honestly a little scary."

"It is scary M, the lady on the news was saying how the symptoms were just like the flu. So how would you know if you just have the ordinary flu or if your life depends on the medication that is given to you by people who don't even know that this sickness is."

"I don't know Jas I guess we will just have to wait and see."

"Oh, and speaking of your mom... I know I just dropped something big on you and I know that you said you're happy with my choice, but I would rather if this could stay between us. I haven't told my mom  yet and I don't need it coming from anyone else but me. You do understand right?"

"Yes, of course I do Jas. This is between us and again I am with you all the way on your choice. And I love you."

"I love you too nerdy. I'm gonna go celebrate the closure of school with ice cream and binge-watching Gossip Girl. Blair and Chuck are getting it on!" the excitement was felt through the phone.

"Bye Jas. Enjoy, I'll catch up later." 








"Can any medical specialist please explain to us what is going on, because the population is getting terrified

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"Can any medical specialist please explain to us what is going on, because the population is getting terrified. We know nothing on this virus nor is anyone giving us hope that the rate at which it is spreading will slow down. Doctors are trying their utmost best at this point to keep everyone informed and to put in these protocols to keep us safe. They are asking us to wear masks and to please stay indoors." The news reporter's voice rand in my ear as it did for the last two weeks. My eyes were glued to the television, as was the rest of the population. Everyone was beyond terrified. People are dying because of this flu like diseases. It spreads like the flu, some survivors say that it feels like the flu, but others, they say it's the worst feeling in the entire world. You can't breathe, can't smell' can't taste. That has got to feel extremely awful.

My mom has been working round the clock because of the drastic increase in cases. She has been extremely careful when she is home. Honestly, I barely see my mom anymore, I'm terrified that something will happen to her. She's right there, in the center of it all and wow I am proud. She has been nothing but positive and brave and always putting family in front of anything else and I just know even though I don't get to see her as often as I did before I know she is doing this for our family.

"Alright guys I'm heading out. Miah don't forget to do your schoolwork that the teacher sent, and honey please don't disturb your dad he has a bunch of important meetings today, so there's leftovers from yesterday in the fridge or you can order in. Sanitizer is refilled and is by the door and extra money is on the kitchen counter. And PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASEEE! Finish up your work Miah. And yes, Jas can come over as long as she is following the protocols. Honestly, I don't know why she doesn't just come to live with us. She spends most of her time here anyway." Which is true by the way. Jas has been spending most of her time at my house she comes early to start off our school work and goes home late at night. She only lives a few houses down from us so it's not really much of a problem.  

Right on time Jas came in she did her normal washing of her hands and face and came to meet me in the living room where we do our work... well try anyway. Most of the time we just end up watching movies or continuing Gossip Girl. Honestly, I rather be here than actual school and soon this might blow over. I just hope. 





If only they new what that year would be like. 


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