"One more task"

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And I pulled the trigger......

Alejandro:AUTUMN NO!!


It was empty.

Everyone was holding their breath and they let go once realized their little friend was still breathing.
I started laughing. Historically.


I started laughing even harder.

Autumn:Ohhhhh cynthiaaaaaaa.

I chuckled at after saying it.

Cynthia: Ugh just shut up physco bitch.😒

I reached into the duffel bag next to me and mattia and pulled out another gun.

Cynthia: Yeah right it's probably just like How you did Matti-


Everyone screamed.

I shot her in her stomach.

Autumn:Sure bout that bitch?

Autumn:Oh shut up you guys it's a little gunshot she's not gonna die🙄

I realized I was still sitting on mattia so I got off.

Once we get out I'm going to my mafia house and you all can't speak to me again.

Everyone:WHAT?! WHY?!
Autumn:Because I said so.
Autumn:Gian- *Sigh* listen you guys don't wanna be around someone like me. I kill people. For god sakes I just shot my own cousin in front of all you guys and laughed at how mattia almost died. I'm not okay. I need to go back home. And so do you guys.

I hugged gian and I took the out the severest door and to my big ass car.

Autumn:Mattia you're going home first.
Mattia:What? Why?
Autumn:Oh idk maybe because I'm so physco a I am a bitch.
Mattia: Autu-
Autumn: Mattia polibio I swear if I hear my name come out your dirty ass mouth I'm punching all your teeth down your fucking throat. Understood? Great. Now sit back and shut the fuck up.

He stayed quiet.

We pulled up to mattia house and he got out.

Tia:I love you.

And he walked away.

I swear my heart stopped and my life slowed down.

Autumn: *Whisper* I love you.

I pulled away.

We pulled up To alejandros house.

Ale:I'm gonna miss you autumn.😓
Autumn:I'm gonna miss you too. But forget me. I'm not a worry in your life anymore okay?

He nodded and started crying and gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

We pulled up to kairis house.

Kai: This is it I guess.

He said with tears running down his face.

Autumn: No. It's not. Maybe some day I will bump into you again. I love you Kai. Always remember that.

He was crying so hard and hugged me and I hugged him. Damn. This really hurts. I've never hurt like this in so long.

We pulled up to roberts house

Robert: Imma miss you autumn. Thanks for the advice on the girl I like. You really helped me.

He had tears running down his face.

Autumn: Imma miss you to rob. Have fun with life okay?

He was crying and nodded and hugged me.

I hugged him.

Last but not least. We pulled up to alvaros house. And gian was BALLING his eyes out.

Autumn:Gian it's okay. I will always be here by your side. You may not be able to see me but always know.

I got to his ear and whispered.

Autumn: I'm always watching who fucks with you.

He was crying so hard and hugged me and I hugged him hard.

Álvaro was next.

Alvaro: Autumn. I met you not long ago and you've done so much good for me and I really appreciate you. I hope we cross paths again sometime soon.

He said crying.

Autumn: I will always be here.

We hugged.

Anna's turn....

Anna: So I guess this is goodbye..... f-forever.
Autumn: Nothing lasts forever Anna always remember that. We will meet again I can assure you.

She looked confused but I didn't want her questioning about it so I hugged her right and she cried so hard on my shoulder and I just nearly slipped a tear. I couldn't cry in front of nobody.

*Arrived at the mafia house*

The mafia all looked at me get out the car and started cheering.

autumn: IM HOME!!!!!!

We all started shouting and had a little welcome home party with the whole mafia.

(the mafias big asf)

3 Years later.....


I said with the gun to the bank lady's head making her put all the money out the register in the bag.


She opened it and I had some mafia members watch the people while me and some other mafia member went and stole all the cash from the vault.



We all ran out the back and got into the get away car and zoomed off.

It's a bullet proof car with bullet proof wheels. And it's fast asf.

One more task and I finally get to see my people again.

*Deep sigh*

This ones short

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