My..... People....

198 2 1

Tw: Murd3r

~11 pm~

We pulled up down the road from the abandoned house and put our ski masks on and snuck up to the house. We walked around back and I looked into the windows and seen all the opps. I ducked back down and whispered.

Autumn: Their all here.

Everyone silently cheered. I knew I was gonna get this lick. We tip toed to the back door and quietly all snuck in and went to the room they were in and heard them talking about a plan.

Opps: We have to kill her somehow someway because if we don't... we're all dead. Her names Autumn. Nobody knows her last name but I'm sure you all know who she is.

Everyone nodded their head yes.

Before they could say anything We aimed and shot.


All at once the bodies dropped to the floor. Lifeless.

Autumn:You thought

And I started laughing like a psycho.

Autumn: That's it. I get to see my people now.

I booked it out the door with everyone following me and we heard sirens so we jumped in the car and sped off to the mafia house...

~2 am~

We just pulled up to the house and I made everyone get out.

Leo: We're are you going ma'am if you don't mind me asking?
Autumn: I'm going to see my people.

And I sped off once again.

First we're going to see Alejandro.

I pulled up and walked to the door and remember it's 2 am. So I walked around to his window and peeked in it and I seen him sitting up on his bed on his phone. I knocked on the window.

He looked over and slowly got up and came to the window and opened it to see a face he hasn't seen in awhile...

Alejandro: NO WAY!!

He screamed.

Autumn: Yes way 🙂

He yanked me in his room and hugged me really tight.

Ale: I missed you omfg you don't even know. We all missed you.
Autumn:I missed you guys!!!
Ale:I'm gonna call everyone and you're gonna surprise them one by one.

-Ale calls the gc-

Alvaro joined
Mattia joined
Alvaro joined
Kairi joined
Roshaun joined

Ale:Wassup fools.

The boys: Wassup.

Ale:Yall trynna hang out n smoke ?


Ale:Alr everybody meet at the park

Everybody: Alr.

*Everybody hangs up*

Autumn:I'm driving

We both smiled at each other and snuck out Alejandro's window, got into my car and started heading to the park.

-Pulling up to the park-

I seen everyone waiting for Alejandro to pull up and I also seen Anna. Gian must've been sleeping.


I was hiding behind the bush and ale was right next to me and everybody turned to look at him then they got up to dab him up, that's when I popped out from besieged the bushes and said....


Everybody's jaws drop and they come running towards me and when I tell you for a moment I felt like I was Happy. I felt a tear drop but quickly wiped it and looked up. At everybody they where all crying.

That's when I seen her.........

Autumn: Cynthia?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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