Sibiling re-united

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—Annabelen's POV:—
I finally get to see my brother that I haven't seen in 3 years😁....wait what if he hates me,what if he doesn't wanna see me?!ohhh god what if this goes wrong I'm scared.
Anna:autumn what if this goes wrong and he hates me?!
A:Anna chill it will be ok and if he hates you I will just have to kill him😏
A:lmaoo I'm kidding 😂just don't worry about it
I started biting my nails

—Autumns POV—
I walked into the boys class and they all knew I was coming bc of these loud ass chains hitting together on my feet when I walk.
A:I need mattia polibio real quick
T:uh I'm sorry but you cannot come in here and interrupt my class or take my student out
A:watch me
I walked up to mattia and grabbed his arm and flipped the teacher off and pulled mattia out the room
A:Say hi to my new friend
I moved to where he could see annabelen
He went and hugged her
Tia:bro alvaro has been wanting to see you for so long and won't stop talking bout you
A:I told you not to worry
A:she thought that he was gonna hate her and not wanna see her bc of what she did and I told her not to worry and she said ok but the was obviously still nervous bc she was biting her nails.
Tia:why would you think that he wouldn't wanna see his little sister that he hasn't seen for 3 years
Anna:idk maybe bc of what I did and he was disappointed in me and he might've hated me
Tia:autumn go get him
A:why can't you
He just look at me with a "are you serious" face
A:ok ok jeez
I walked into the room
A:Alvaro here now
Varo:ok coming
T:excuse me what's your name
She said pointing at me
A:Autumn why?
T:1st detention and 2nd why are you wearing all those chains this is school you can't wear that
A:ok 1st I can't go to detention even if I could I wouldn't and second I can't FUCKING take them off bc I'm a juvenile coming to school bitch
T:out now
A:pfft bitch ain't gotta y'all me twice
I grabbed alvaros hand and walked out but where his back was facing Anna so he could see her
A:say hi to my new friend😁I think you've met her already tho
I turned him around
She said in a quiet tone
He ran up to her and the both fell but they didn't care they cried in each other's hand.
I walked up to mattia and grabbed his hand with both my hands and tugged him arm
A:hold me😁
He picked me up
Tia:damn these chains make you heavenly asf
A:ya ik...wait where Liam?
Outta no were the classroom door busted open
He looked down at them on the ground and screamed
He jumped on them and cried with them
A:y'all get off my bestfriend before you kill her
They got off her and I looked at alvaros face and his eyes were red from crying
A: bebé está bien, no llores awwww😭
I said jumping off of mattia and hugging him with one hand on his head and one on his back with his head in my shoulder
Varo:thanks autumn this mean so much bro I have missed her a-so much😭
He said stuttering and crying even harder
I look over at roshaun and Anna hugging and roshaun crying
A:ro-ro dont cry it's okay😭
I said laughing but sad at the same time
Alvaro was still in my arms
A:wait a minute
Alvaro picked his head up and looked at me
A:where the fuck did my hand cuffs go
L:I took them off when you was paying attention
A:Liam can I have you gun
A:cause imma kill that fucking teacher
L:autumn not stop if you kill someone else then you are gonna be in juvie for another 10 years
A:ion even care she a bitch
Tia:noooo autumn dontttt
A:*sighs*fine but if she trynna be slick 1 more time imma choke her to death ion care ion care
I looked at Alvaro in front of me still crying
A:aww come here bubs don't cry
He came to me and wrapped his arms around me and I did the same and we hugged me too and I just sat on the floor with him still hugging me
Varo:I legit met you yesterday and you bring me sister to me😭you are the best person I have ever met😭
Then annabelen came and hugged us too
A:if I'm going soft it's only on you guys😂
Tia:woah the most dangerous person to probably exist is "going soft"
He said "going soft" in a high pitched voice
A:mattia I kill you in your sleep
They all laughed
Liams phone started ringing
L:oh god!
L:yes sir we are on our way now!
Then he hung up
L:autumn we need to go NOW
L:your mafia they are at the jail and they are talking about let you free or they are gonna kill the officers
A:I mean as long as they kill that one bitch ass officer it's fine
A:uhh fine guy I will be back after I deal with them
They all just looked at me like I was crazy
I hugged them all but when I got to mattia I hugged him and kissed his cheek
A:bye baby dino
I whispered in his ear before running to the cop car and zoomed to juvie

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