Chapter 4

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On our way home the rain became a drizzle and then a sprinkle. We went to the side of the house where our window was. I opened it, hopped in and helped Madison in. We made sure to take off our shoes to keep the carpet clean and we changed into warmer, drier clothes. We sat in our beds opposite of each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only about 5 minutes. Madi broke the silence.

"Three months ago I was brought here by child protection services. My dad was put in jail for.... well never mind that. My mom, I don't really know what happened to her. I came home from school one day and she was gone. She left. Left me and everybody. There was a note on the table that read, ' I'm so sorry Madison. I can't take this anymore. Don't try to find me.' I ran screaming to my neighbors. I ran through the front door and smacked right into their sixteen year-old son, Austin. He was a good 8 inches taller than me. He had been heading outside to go to the store for his mom who hadn't been home from work yet. His older brother was in college and his dad had been out of town for business. I remember that day so fresh in my mind. He was wearing a fitted navy blue shirt and khaki cargo pants and gray Vans. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face. He asked me to come inside and tell him what was wrong. I couldn't manage to speak because my throat was so tight and my thoughts were racing. He made me sit down on the torn blue sofa in his messy bedroom until I said something. I sat there for two hours with my head nuzzled into his chest until I finally conjured a sentence to explain what happened. He understood something must have been wrong, he didn't press me for information, he just sat there stroking my hair until I calmed down. Austin understood that I hadn't had the best past few years because, even though we saw each other less and less, we still texted. He knew my mom was crazy, probably more than I understood."
I sat there listening patiently nodding along with tears collecting in my eyes. I finally felt as if we were more than just room mates. We were friends. Madison kept talking.
"Back then I think I even had a little crush on him." she said with a distant look on her face. "When Austin's mom got home he explained what happened and why I was there. Anyway, my mom left. I stayed at his house in the guest room for a week as Christy figured things out for me. Then I ended up here with Chelsea. So, yeah, thats my story."

I had no words, I was shocked. I felt so bad. "I.... I'm so sorry." I choked out.
"It's okay, I guess. I just thought I should tell you eventually and now just seemed like the right time."
She grinned through her watery eyes.
I then began explaining the tragic year I had. Throughout my story I glanced at Madison to see the sympathetic faces she had been making. I finished and she looked speechless.

"I don't know what to say. I am so so sorry. I am at loss for words. No words can explain what I am feeling right now." Madison sympathetically said.

I nodded at her, but now I was the one that was speechless. It wasn't because I was deeply touched either. I mean, what else is there to say when you just opened up and told another person you were living with the tragic story of how your mother was murdered? I just sat there until I noticed Madison yawned and peek over at the alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. Madi nearly shrieked.
"2 AM? It can't be! I should be getting to bed!"
I made wild eyes at her.
"Oh shiz I should too!"

We both hustled into the bathroom to brush our teeth. When we finished we both made the cheesiest, toothiest smile in the double sinked mirror and started giggling at each other. Then we shut off the bathroom lights and jumped into bed, each of us turning off the lamp by our beds at the same time. I sunk my head into my pillow, grinning at the new friend I had just made.


The rest of the weekend flew by, Madison and I becoming closer and closer of friends. On Monday I woke up at 6:34 to the annoying beeps of my alarm clock. Madi had just rolled out of bed and was searching through her drawers for a pair of jeans to wear. I stumbled out of bed and grabbed the clothes I had set out the night before. An old habit of mine. I got my things and headed to the bathroom to shower. Other than Joe, I was the only kid who showered before school in the house. He showered downstairs and while I showered upstairs. I turned on the shower and dropped my clothes on the floor before entering the steaming shower. I washed my hair massaging my scalp. It sure felt good to shower when I woke up. It alerted your senses. I finished up and turned the water off. I reached out of the curtain and grabbed the red towel on the hook. I dried myself before getting dressed and leaving the bathroom, putting my dirty clothes in the hamper on my way out.

I walked back into my bedroom to see that the clock says 6:52. I also see Madison standing in the mirror doing her usual morning make-up. I smiled.

"Hey girl," was all she said to me. She was in the middle of doing eyeliner and if she moved the table too much she would completely mess up. She was wearing low cut Miss Me's, a T- Shirt sporting our school's football team's name on it, and a pair of flats. Even though it seems like the most diverse outfit ever, she rocked it. I was wearing skinny jeans, a long plaid shirt and flats as well. I guess the look worked for me. I put my long hair in a braid leading down my shoulder. Okay, that was better. I put my stuff in my backpack and grabbed my phone off my bedside table checking if anyone texted me and my other social media apps. Nothing new.

At 7:15, right on cue, Chelsea hollered from the garage to get into the car. I hopped up from where I was sitting at the table enjoying some Rice Crispies and set my, now empty, bowl into the sink and went to the garage through the doorway right off the kitchen. Close behind was Joe, and three minutes later Madison finally decided to show up. Last one out as usual. I looked over to see Arielle strapped into a booster seat beside me. I smiled at her and then plugged in my earbuds to listen to music on the 10 minute drive to school. The bell didn't ring until eight. We would have plenty of time.

We dropped of Arielle first at her Elementary school. Within the next two minutes we were idling at the curb of the high school where Joe attended. Then we arrived at Madison and I's school. We each waved goodbye to Chelsea and walked up the front steps, going our separate ways to our first classes where we waited until the bell rang.

I stopped by my locker to drop off the things I didn't need and to grab my books for science, my first class. I walked into the classroom with three minutes to spare. Also as soon as I walked in I noticed something different. There was a new boy sitting in the empty desk in the corner of the classroom, directly behind mine. Dang he was cute! He had nicely toned arms, tanned skin, purposefully messy dark hair, and sea green eyes. Plus, rather than wearing basketball shorts like the majority of boys in my grade, he was wearing jeans and a black Aeropostle shirt. He was also wearing black Vans. I loved his style already and I didn't even know his name.

I walked to my seat like normal after greeting a few of my friends. I sat there for only about thirty seconds before I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, my names Nikki. What school did you come from?" I asked the new boy.
They mystery boy looked up from the book he was reading.
"Um, hi my names Jonah. I moved here from Ohio."
The cute boy now had a name, Jonah. I liked it. Plus, wow, big move. Ohio to Oregon? Woah.

"Cool, big move huh?" I asked Jonah.

"Ah yeah. So, not to be weird, but, why did you decide to talk to me? I mean, everyone else just glanced my way and ignored me." Jonah questioned me back. I couldn't help it, heat flooded my cheeks.

"Well, for starters, you sit right behind me, secondly, you're new here and I thought it would be nice to welcome you, and last but most definitely not least, I like your style, Jonah." I confidently replied, his name rolling off my tongue for the first time. I liked it more now.

"You know, Nikki, there is something I like about you but I am still trying to put my finger on exactly what it is." Jonah stated, trying my name out for the first time. Something bubbled inside me and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Did I mention his voice was, well there is no other way to say it, dead sexy. It was quieter than most, but was already getting deeper. I liked when he said my name, and I hoped he would say it more.

"I have a feeling, Jonah, that somehow, we are gonna become best friends." I said right as the bell rang, cutting off his answer. Feeling satisfied with my conversation with Jonah while listening to Ms. Huggins drone on about cell reproduction, Jonah leaned forward from his seat, breath tickling my ear as he whispered, "Me too." I blushed brilliantly and was suddenly glad he was sitting behind me so he couldn't see my face.

A/N : Hey! I finally updated, YAY! I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. And, for once, it is a really long chapter. I will be working on drawing out my chapters more now so you (and I) don't feel as if it's missing something and was really short. Thank you! <3

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