Chapter Twenty-One

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Two hours later, I was back in comfortable attire—except this time, it was elven garb. Soft brown trousers, a patterned blouse with short sleeves, and a snug-fitting vest of blue-dyed leather was my uniform tonight. Add to that a wide, heavy brown belt and durable, calf-length boots that were far more comfortable than I initially expected. A light, stylish silk green cloak embroidered with oak trees completed the ensemble.

My still-unnamed Ságha mare had a new addition to her saddle—a soft pad made of wool covered the leather seat. No one claimed responsibility for this little gift, but I was appreciative all the same. In addition to Kesio, Leihalani, Rachael, myself and General Whitesword, a full compliment of Everfell guards—plus three Tsolas—would be joining us. There was also an earth mage present: a bronze-skinned, black-haired woman in long green robes. She sat on her horse in the middle of the guards, picking at one sleeve of her robe and chatting away with the man next to her.

While I had anticipated some sort of quiet for a mission such as this, I was taken aback by how conversational everyone was. I guessed this wasn't a stealth operation after all.

A soldier in white and green plate armor eased his Ságha next to Rachael's and mine. "This way, my ladies," he said.

We were led into the middle of the squadron, situated right behind Kesio, Leihalani and the mage. Everywhere I looked, there were elves, armor and horses. If I didn't know better, I would have thought I was dreaming.

There was no way any of this could possibly be real—but it was. Every breath I took, every shift of the horse beneath me, ever ache in my bones and heart was proof enough. I was currently in the middle of an island that had, until a few weeks ago, simply been a myth. There was a greater magic out in the world ... one that we humans were woefully unprepared to accept.

My hands tightened on my Ságha's reins, jaw set in determination. I started this journey and I would see it through to the end.

We set off at a fair clip from Everfell less than twenty minutes later. Unlike in the courtyard, no one spoke. That didn't quite bother me, but by looking at my cousin, I knew that the silence proved difficult for her. She was surrounded by handsome elven men and she couldn't even awkwardly attempt to flirt with any of them. I was too preoccupied with trying to keep my seat and control my horse.

Any elves that we passed on the road to Hyelion simply stopped and stared, taking in the polished armor and swords, the gleaming horses and tack. It was all rather surreal.

We paused once for about an hour to rest the horses and grab something to eat. Rachael and I sat off to the side, shoving some sort of elven hardtack into our mouths and drinking water from flasks allotted to us. Nearby, Kesio, Leihalani, the earth mage and General Whitesword stood in a tight circle, talking in a low tone that human ears couldn't catch, but one that my leopard ears would be able to—if I were stupid enough to attempt a shift. But my parents didn't raise a fool.

"How much longer do you think it is?" Rachael asked, crumbs spilling from her lips onto her lap.

"Don't know. Hopefully we get there before nightfall." Propping my chin upon one hand, I watched the soldiers half-heartedly. Honestly, if we ever got separated from the squadron, Rachael and I were screwed. I had no idea how big Atlantis was, nor the Summer Kingdom's position within the island. We were dependent on Leihalani to activate the Gate and return us home.

Comforting thoughts.

By the time we were back on the road, twilight was upon us. Suddenly, bright white lights shot up around the squadron, illuminating the highway. Their appearance jolted me out of my daydreaming state and I gripped the mare's reins tightly, causing her to toss her head and snort.

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