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Hey guys. So i'm going to sum this up
My father was in the mafia he is dead now he died about a month ago and that's really it ugh hold on my mom is coming into my room
mom:hunny um i'm sorry but when your dad died he left you to marry Mr.hackers son
In case you didn't know mr.hacker owns the BIGGEST mafia business in the world my dad was second.
mom:yes hunny i'm sorry and you guys can decide when you get married but you guys will move in together and you are now officially dating eachother
you:why did dad even do it?
mom:to keep you safe. i'm going to be running the mafia so i'll be safe but you will be safe with him i promise
you:whatever i'll do it for you
i say giving in
mom:good you don't need to pack you have things over there you leave now mr hacker is here for you
mom:yes hun goodbye now
she hugs me
you:yep okay goodbye.
i go to mr hackers car
mr hacker:hello
mr hacker:i know you are disappointed but it's to keep you safe you guys have your own home
you:okay will we have to share a room?
mr hacker:you might not want to but yes the house is pretty big but you must it's a order
you:okay whatever
mr hacker:here it is i shall leave now goodbye
i go and knock
a young pretty hot man opens the door
you:who are you?
vinnie:im vinnie hacker and you?
you:Ava Carter
vinnie:okay so im marrying you
you:sure why not can i come in
he openes the door and i go and sit downy
you:why are we doing this
vinnie:because we have to
vinnie:let's go i'll show you our room
you:about that..
vinnie:don't try my dad said it's a order we shall not disrespect him it's my job to protect you so that's what i'll do.
you:fine where's the room
vinnie:right here
it's a pretty nice room and it has a bathroom connected to it but i miss my own room
you:cool room
vinnie:yeah i guess any way wanna get out of here and do something
you:why are you so up for the idea
vinnie:listen if we are going to HAVE to live together might as well make the best of it how about i invite some friends
you:friends like mafia members
vinnie:yep and they don't really like your father so excuse them if they say anything
you:sure thing
we go downstairs and about 10 minutes later the door rings vinnie invites them in and they sit down on the other couch vinnie sits next to
??:I'm bryce
??:and i'm Noah
bryce:ava Carter
noah:we know
vinnie:so anyway-
bryce:Ava how is your father anyway you know after we killed him
ava:Hey here's an idea shut your mouth
noah:i don't like your tone princess
vinnie:bryce noah shut your mouth
vinnie:that's an order
a few minutes pass by no one but vinnie has been talking
you:okay this has been great but i'm tired and i think you guys need to go
vinnie-shes right bye guys
they leave
you:your friends are such dicks
vinnie:just give them some time
you:hey any plans tomorrow
vinnie:wanna go to a party with me?
you:Who's hosting it?
vinnie:bryce and noah.
you:no thanks
vinnie:come onnn let's just do ittt
you:Okay fine let's do it
you:okay so uh i'm going to bed
vinnie:yeah uh be there soon
vinnie pov:
damn did i fall for this girl aready.
ava pov:
once i get upstairs i change into this

 ava pov:once i get upstairs i change into this

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once i changed i get into bed and go to sleep.
a few moments later i feel vinnie wrap his arms around me
i feel safe?
it's weird.
anyways goodnight.

a/n: hey guys hoped you enjoyed this is my first story and i'm looking forward to continue it! Please say any ideas down in the comments or any ideas for books you want to see!
Word count:744

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